More Herron Island fun.....

We have been spending a lot of time out at the island this summer which has been so relaxing! Having two sets of grandparents out there is such a blessing.

9 Month Check Up

At his 9 month appointment, here were his stats: still growing like a weed but now that he is crawling, he has lost a little weight (you wouldn't know since he still has his big budda belly!). Height: 30 inches (90%)Weight: 21 lbs 9 ounces (75%)Head Size: 19.25 (off the charts).

Liam starts to Army Crawl

We were out at Herron Island this weekend...Liam's new favorite place to go. He loves sitting on the beach feeling the rocks (and sometimes tasting them). This weekend he started to pull himself around the room with his won't we long now before the little guy is crawling all over the…

Skiing at 8 1/2 Months!

We were sitting at Starbucks this morning (Liam's favorite morning spot) and Leif said "you know, Alpental is open today). 30 minutes later, we were on the road! Leif put the little man in the back pack and we hiked up the mountain until we could find a good spot to put Summit's new sled dog…

Finally...Summer is here!

It was 80 degrees today and will remain warm throughout the weekend! We are so excited!!!

His first trip to Herron Island (the Maui of the Puget Sound)

Liam's entire mood changed when we set foot on Herron Island. We couldn't help comparing his excitement to Summit's excitement the first time he was there. As we walked across the dock, Liam turned his head back and forth, taking in the mountains, the water, the trees and the overall beauty of the…

Sleepin on his tummy

Its been a couple weeks now that Liam has been sleeping (sometimes) on his tummy. He likes to utilize his entire crib at night and moves from one end to the other and then back again. We never know how we will find him in the morning.

Liam meets a new friend

Liam met a new friend last night named Will. Will is 3 months older than Liam and was so excited to play with LJ and all of his toys! His parents Nadine and Billy came over for dinner and it is so funny how things have changed...we all eat in shifts, hang out in the room with all the toys (that…

My first haircut!

Mom and Grandma took Mr. Liam down to The Shop in Juanita Village for his first haircut today. It took 30 minutes and cost $5.00. The woman had to cut his hair in 5 second intervals because Liam was very curious as to what was going on. He read (ok, chewed on) his magazine and smiled at Grandma.…