Gone bananas...

Liam has discovered a food he is actually interested in....BANANAS!!!!! He likes them so much that if you don't prepare a new spoonful by the time he has swallowed his last bite he wimpers with his mouth open like a baby bird...

Out and about...

Although the weather has not been kind to us lately, there have been a few sunny days that we have taken advantage of! Today, Lenore, Rich, Leif, Ryan, Sophia, Beckham, Christian, Liam, Summit and I all walked down to the park to play on the swings....Liam's new favorite thing to do.

Beckham's Birthday Party

Liam's good buddy Beckham turned 1 on the 15th and we celebrated his birthday yesterday over at his house. Liam was overwhelmed by the commotion and kids but still had a good time. We put him in this bouncy seat and all he wanted to do was chew on the side of it. Although he was completely…

Grandma goes walking....

I have to share this story because it is just so typical of my mom... My neighbor/girlfriend Lenore called me at work today to tell me that she just saw my mom and David walking up our hill with Liam and the dogs (Boomer and Summit). She was laughing because, just like when we walk up the hill…

Daddy works from home...

Every once and awhile, Liam gets lucky and daddy decides to work from home. Although Liam is supposed to leave him alone while he works, sometimes its just too irresistable. Today, Liam helped daddy design...

20 lbs!

Well...almost. We weighed LJ2 this morning and he was 19.5 lbs! I swear, running up and down our stairs holding him has been a great way to stay fit. He has discovered his thumb and although he misses his mouth about half the time, he continues to try! Grandma Nancy has him eating like a…

Snow in the NW!

I am now in my second week back to work and it is just not getting any easier. I think about my little man all day long. "What is he doing now....and now....and now....." It's killing me not to be with him. Thus, you can imagine how disappointed I was that I could not go to work this morning and…

Eating solids...

We have now officially started Liam on solids. We started with rice cereal, which he prefers out of a bottle (he can drink 4 oz in about 25 seconds!). We switched to peas and green beans which you can see, he does not like. After making that very clear with all the dry heaving, we decided to…

Bath Time....is the fun over???

Mr. Liam has discovered how to splash. Needless to say, bath time is no longer what it used to be. Leif and I used to argue over who got to bathe him as it was such a relaxing, fun time. Now, its absolute chaos. Liam likes to kick his feet and wave his hands as hard as he can, creating the…

Liam's 4 month appointment

Well...this round of shots did not go as smoothly as the last round. Apparently, Liam now not only feels pain but understands that he really doesn't like it. His stats were great: Head size: still in the 97th percentileHeight: 26.5 inches; 95%Weight: 16 lbs, 12 oz; 50% He loves his doctor...thinks…