Liam & Santa

Liam's picture with Santa Clause showed up today. The picture was taken at the Entellium Family Christmas party. He was the cover boy on the Entellium website! ...of course! The caption by his picture on the website reads as follows: "Baby Liam here could be the next Gap Model...doesn't he…

Christmas 2007

Not since I was little did I experience such excitement and anticipation for Christmas and even though Liam was clueless as to the significance of it all, it was so much fun to share his first holiday. One thing is for sure...this little boy will never lack love! We hosted Christmas Eve at…

Powder Time!

Liam's lucky parents got to go ski at Crystal with Uncle Mike, Uncle Phillip, Addi and Anne the day after Christmas. The new lift was open and we had a blast. The best was watching Leif, Mike and Phillip constantly trying to "one up" each other. And the highlight was seeing all three of them fly…

Sleepin' Boy!

I am almost afraid to write this as I still go to bed every night praying that Liam will not wake up. However (knock on wood), for the last 4 nights in a row, he has slept 11+ hours. Last night, he slept 8pm - 7:30am, without waking AT ALL! Unfortunately, mom's clock is still on the 2am schedule…

Grandpa Ted and Grandma Stephanie return from Arizona

Ted and Stephanie flew in from Arizona this evening and reunited with their little grandson. Boy oh boy, does Liam know how to ham it up! He was ALL smiles as if to say, "oh yes, I remember you!" It was so sweet to see him with his grandparents. I love having the family around. Mike came over…

Auntie Gina comes to Visit

Liam's Auntie Gina came to meet him this week. He absolutely LOVED her...flirted the entire time. By the time she left, all she had to say was "Do you want to play Patty Cake?" and Liam's face would transform into a HUGE smile. It was so good for mom to have her best friend in town as well. I feel…

Mom's First Day Away...

I had to go off to a conference today for work and leave Liam for the first time. Thank goodness my mom was here as I don't think I would have been able to do it if I didn't know that he would be with family. I was fine throughout the morning, but started REALLY missing him around 1pm. I…

First Roll Over!

Liam rolled over today for the first time! He was laying on his play mat with Summit and I close by. He would lift up his back leg and balance on his side for several seconds...then start rocking himself back and forth...and then, boom! he was on his back looking a little bit confused. I called…

Mexico - Liam does it best!

Mexico was a blast and Liam was such a trooper. He slept the entire flight down after giving off a few award winning smiles to the people sitting next to us. He loved the warm weather and spent the entire week in his short sleeved onsies (showing off his big turkey legs!). I am pretty sure his…

First Giggle!

Today Liam let out his first giggles during the second quarter of the Seahawks game (against Chicago - we won!). It was so exciting that even Leif, Mike and Phillip stopped watching the game to laugh with the little guy. He loves to watch the Seahawks with his dad...they have the exact same…