A family with Coronavirus

I wrote this a few weeks after we all recovered - what I can remember of our experience with Covid:I was walking around the house tonight cleaning up and had this nagging urge to write the story of our life since March 6th. The girls had gone to my mom's for the night. They like to sleep in the…

Presley’s notes

She makes them for me all the time. This one is my favorite so far... "Mom I love you. You are my pink leopard."

Our new reality...

With the Coronavirus getting very real, we have all been encouraged to socially distance ourselves. That means no school for the next three weeks. At first I dreaded it but then I realized that being with my family without any distractions is what I have been craving for months (ok, years). So, we…

Divas In Sun Valley

I had a blast doing Divas this year - an all women's ski program that goes for 8 weeks. I had the best coaches and even learned how to run gates. Took my skiing to a new level for sure!

Get it girl!!!

Doesn't she look so powerful!? That's because she is. And she's pretty darn cute too! Skyler qualifies for the IMD championships, which will be held outside of Boise next weekend. She was 22nd out of more than 100 girls under the age of 12 in the "North Series." This is her first year on this…

Liam’s first school dance

Liam went to his first school dance last night - 6th grade Back to the Future theme - come dressed like the 50's or 80's. Liam and a couple friends went as greasers. They were darling. The boys went to pizza and then made their way over to the dance where I would have killed to be a fly on the…

Presley tries out SVSEF

Presley tried out Divos today - the first of the SVSEF teams. She was most excited about wearing her sisters jacket. Sounds like she did great and had a good time but have t been able to get much out of her...she's exhausted!

Our morning routine

After I drop the kids off at school, Bandit and I head to the mountain. Since the lifts don't open until 9am, we go for our morning walk around Warm Springs. Bandit walks straight to the ticket counter every single day, peaks his head up over the top and gets his breakfast treat from the Sun Valley…

Celebrating 16 years!

Hard to believe Leif and I have been married for 16 years! This last year has been the absolute best! Getting to sit next to him almost daily on a ski lift has been so damn fun. We went to the Duchin Room for drinks and then the Roundhouse for dinner. Celebrating in style!

Presley lost her first front tooth!

She was very scared to have her dad pull it out but it was driving her crazy! After a few meltdowns, she finally let him do it. It made a big POP sound and it was out.