Baseball Season!

Baseball season has been so much fun this year.  We’ve been lucky with the weather and the fact that the games are right at the bottom of the hill at Juanita Beach Park has made it so easy.  Skyler usually brings her best buddies, Ari and Gwen, with us and the girls (including Presley) run around the park while Liam plays.  Liam’s team has gotten so much better and despite it being the first year of kid pitch, the kids have actually done really well.  Liam pitched 3 times this season – the second time being his best.  He really is a great athlete and will be so good at whatever he puts his mind to.  I am grateful that he is not a one sport kid at this point and is willing to explore most sports (except for soccer which, “is not really his sport” according to him).  He loves football, baseball, skateboarding, skiing.  With Herron Island in the summer, we are reluctant to have him do any premier sports unless he is dying to do so.  But Liam likes his freedom and does not like to be overly scheduled.  So, for now, I am loving that he is just exploring.  We will definitely miss baseball season though and look forward to next year.