Big surprise in Arizona

We were so excited as we headed into a week in the sun!  It was the perfect Christmas present from Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Stephie finally coming to fruition!  We knew there was a big surprise but could not for the life of us figure out what it might be.  The flight was easy as pie and little Presley did wonderfully.  Liam and Skyler have now become rock star travelers. 

Leif saw it first as we walked in to Ted and Stephanie’s house.  He pointed through the window to the backyard and said “look!”  A brand new pool, beautifully landscaped and ready to be populated by three excited grandkids.  It was perfect.  It made our trip so easy as we did not have to lug kids and towels and food and toys too and from the clubhouse.  Nap time was not disruptive as Presley would go down and we wouldn’t have to stop the fun.  We really barely left the house!  It was everything we needed our vacation to be…relaxing, fun, family filled, and easy!  BIG thanks to Grandma and Grandpa.