Presley and Hockey

You know you have a problem with boundaries when you say yes to yet another sport even though you are sinking amidst the existing ones! Between football, soccer, ballet, hip hop, dry land training and more soccer, I was already underwater. So why not add hockey??  The answer is because it is the most amusing part of my week watching Presley, who barely knows how to skate, work her butt off and try to dang hard only to slam against the wall, fall on her very padded behind, or skate right over another player.  She is so damn aggressive out there and she is having the best time!  So good to get all of her angst out on the ice!  And besides, she is ridiculously cute all padded up in her hockey uniform.

Quick Getaway to Arizona

The kids had a few days off of school and wanted to go swim in grandma and grandpa's pool so off we went to Arizona.  We surprised the kids by sending them our Delta check-in reminder via text.  They were so stoked.  It was a wonderful trip.  We felt so taken care of! 

Liam and High School Football

When I see him on the field in all his pads, it's hard to believe he is mine.  When did he grow into a man!??  He looks so damn strong and BIG! He says he has gotten about 10x more tough since starting football in August.  He plays back up quarterback and has gotten some impressive game time for a freshman.  He also plays on defense as a Monster and seriously impressed us with some of his tackles.  We have had so much fun going to his games and also volunteering in the concession stand with Presley at some of the Varsity games.  Liam has worked so hard - 2 hours of football a day during school, every day of the week.  And over summer, they were doing 2x/day!  Seriously impressed with this kid and his commitment to go even when I know he is exhausted!

Presley's Birthday (9) - and the Moose!

Well so much for Presley's outdoor birthday party this afternoon!  Our resident moose decided to park himself right in the middle of our lawn and despite our protests - even going so far as turning on the sprinklers - he would not budge!  In fact, I think he enjoyed the cool shower!

We pivoted to an indoor party despite the 90 degree heat and had all kinds of sleepover fun.  Presents, face masks, and glitter infused crafts did the trick.  Happy birthday my spicy, hilarious, fun loving, always down to have good time, daughter.  We love you so much!

Presley crushes it at Mtn Bike Camp

Presley got a little taste of Keely’s Camp the last couple days. This is the same group that runs Skyler’s ski camp in Mt Hood. All girls, all women coaches, all bad asses. Their mission is to empower girls and give them positive female role models. Presley had such a great time and became much more confident with her mountain biking skills!

Herron Island 2022

The summer of the remodel is how we will remember this one!  When we showed up, the upstairs was filled with tools, the flooring was not done, the kitchen was non-existent and there was no running water upstairs.  Leif took the brunt of it having to work full time and then spend his evenings trouble shooting to keep the construction moving.  Rock bottom was when the kitchen sink did not fit and it took two drives to Everett, two commutes on the little red boat with a huge cabinet in tow, and two hikes up the beach stairs with the cabinet on Leif and Liam's backs!  In the end though, it was complete and it looks absolutely gorgeous.  I give 100% credit to Leif as he has managed the process for the last year and has made 95% of the decisions.  His artist's eyes show in the details and I am so proud of the house and my husband.

Though living through the construction was not easy at times, the summer was sprinkled with some really great times as well.  We had visits from Sean, Yuko and Grant, Kim and Samantha, Skyler's friend Katie, and even Katie and Loren and their kiddos.  The reunion between Joel and Liam was seamless and they did not skip a beat.  We had dinner with the Pratt's almost every night and got to see so much more of Ted and Stephanie that in the previous years now that Covid is at bay.  There were smores on the beach, a trip to Olympia, wakeboarding, gooey duck hunting, clams galore, headstands on paddleboards, sunsets to die for and workouts that almost killed us.  A huge highlight for Leif and Liam was the foil board that they rode almost every evening - such a great bonding for them.  And, of course, our new red boat that Liam and Skyler drove back and forth daily.

We left wanting more as always.  :)


Fathers Day Bikeride

Although the kids were hesitant, everyone had an incredible time.  Happy Father's Day to the GOAT.

Costa Rica

Surfing, bike riding, waterfalls, monkeys, shopping, mosquitos, flowers, tuk tuks, sunsets, ATVs, pineapple, laughter, sugarcane, rainfall, makeup artists on TV, scary bridges, potholes, boat rides, seafood, seasickness, fishing, more surfing, jungle, Kardashians, surf accident, home.  The pictures tell the story but this was one I will remember forever.