My Little Rockstars

So influenced by their dad’s love of music, these kids will rock out any chance they get.  I especially love to see Liam let loose since it is not his nature to do so.  But when his sisters are around, who love to dance and sing, he will sometimes join in with his rock n roll moves.  J

Oh Presley!

We are not certain where she is getting these moves.  And it is definitely a bit concerning how much she resembles a drunk person. But no...this is just her...expressing herself.  I might be hard to see when watching this video, but I see a child that is going to change the world!

Our New Time Out

We think that maybe they will start listening if their punishment is being placed in the back of a police car.  :)
Actually, tonight the neighborhood celebrated Summer.  A police car and fire truck came to visit and the kids were allowed to try out all sorts of fun equipment including the radar gun and shields.  They got to ride in the back of the police car and sit in the back of the ambulance.  We still have so many families on the hill - about 25 kids showed up for s'mores.

Liam learns to wakeboard!

He's up!!!!  First try!  9 years old.  So so so proud!

Herron Island Fun 2017

We've had such a great time at Herron this summer.  We've been out every weekend but one.  Though impossible to recall all the good stories, these pictures do a pretty darn good job!  Typical days include breakfast for the kids at Grandpa Teddy and Stephie's house (allowing mom and dad to have some actual time to ourselves!), beach play, skipping rocks, boat rides, King of the Dock, a ton of swimming, clam digging, setting and picking up the crab pots, golfing and gymnastics at the park, and lots and lots of family time!

Annual Grandma Trip to Remlinger Farms!

This year was the first year Presley got to go.  Grandma takes the kids every summer to Remlinger Farms.  They love the roller coasters, carousel, horse rides, hay stacks and just getting a day to play!  How special and how blessed they are to have such wonderful grandparents!

Such a fun uncle!

Uncle Mike is wonderful to all three of the kiddos but his relationship with Skyler is worth talking about.  It is so special because she is the middle child and he makes her feel so incredibly special.  They go on dates and genuinely enjoy each other's company.  Her face lights up when she hears he is coming over and I just know that she feels so loved by him.  They even have a dance...that they really have perfected...which I just had to share!  We are all so blessed to have this family of ours.  They know how to have a good time!

Nordstroms Sale!

So I went a little crazy at the Nordie's sale....who can blame me??