Our first Summer visit to Sun Valley

And here we thought Sun Valley was only a Winter Paradise!  We had the most incredible time picking up the keys to our new two bedroom condo - owned with Uncle Kiki and Uncle Mike!  We mountain biked, played frisbee at River Run, had a bonfire up at Lee and Leslie's cabin, swam at the YMCA, biked into town, drank coffee from the local coffee shop and shopped at the local Board Bin! 

We are starting to think that Sun Valley may have been a life changing investmennt for our family.  Everything "outdoorsy" was literally out our back door.  The kids thrived as they explored Warm Springs on their bikes by themselves.  We took Liam mountain biking for the first time up at Galena while the girls went to the hot springs with Aunt Leslie.  Skyler learned how to shift and use hand breaks and the older two even biked home from town by themselves.  Presley rode behind Leif's cruiser in her "princess carriage".

Everyone was so relaxed and physically engaged.  So much so that it planed a seed....would this be a better paced life?  Is this a place we could raise our kids??

Skyler's 8th Birthday with Three Parties!!

Well...all I can say is "Well played Skyler....well played!"

It’s a wonder that Amazon trusts me to negotiate their big time real estate deals when I can get run over in negotiating with my now 8 year old!  She managed to get three parties out of me. 

It started with her wanting to go to Herron Island with her 4 closest friends but when it turned out that Gwen and Ari (her besties from across the street) couldn’t go due to a piano recital, we had to switch gears.  Had we gone to Herron, there would have been one big party – for friends and family.  Then we decided to do a friend’s party on Friday night and then head to Herron, where we would have a family party.  So…two parties total.  But plans changed again when we found out Uncle Keith was coming to town and Liam had a baseball tournament.  Skyler, although upset about not going to Herron, decided that a family party at home on Saturday would be fine but since her actual birthday was on Sunday, she wanted to go to Plaza Garcia Sunday night with just the 5 of us….oh….and don’t forget that she wants pancakes in bed grandpa!  Like I said….well played Skyler.

"Look at my pretty make-up!"

Yep....that's orange highlighter.  :)

Two weeks later, she did it with permanent black marker.  We like to say she was going through a goth stage.

At the same time she was coloring her face with black marker, Skyler was having a melt down because Gwen had pooped in the new toilet that Leif had just installed FIRST and Skyler had wanted to go the bathroom in it first!  I mean seriously....how inconsiderate.  I started laughing, which was just fuel to poor Skyler's fire.

What am I doing wrong people???

Easter Fun

Having less than 12 hours to prepare from Easter, I was the mom at Walgreens at 11pm at night purchasing the Easter baskets.  Recalling a few years ago when Liam was opening his stocking and said “I think Santa only makes some of the toys….the rest he gets from Walgreens,” I made sure to take all the tags off.  LOL.  Well worth it given that I don’t know how many more years they are going to believe in the Easter Bunny.  Time is going too quickly.  After church in the morning, we scrambled home for the neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Sean, Yuko and Grant joined us and Presley was thrilled to be with her best friend and cousin again.  They are two peas in a pod. The kids had a great time and our house ended up looking like an Easter egg bomb went off!  Family and friends came over for mimosas and Leif and I crashed out at around 3pm…still very much jet lagged from the Thailand trip.  The kids are definitely acclimating better than us!

Our Thailand Adventure

It would be impossible to recap all of the incredible experiences we had in Thailand so I am going to do this in list form and then let the pictures tell the story!  My memories from Thailand are as follows:

All the kids showering at the Cathay Lounge in San Francisco because....well, the bathrooms were awesome, we had time to kill, so why not!?

Our excited energy as we waiting to board the long flight to Hong Kong, which spread to Presley who was wide awake until we got on the plane at midnight.

Getting on the plane, sitting next to the girls with the boys behind us.  Leif and Liam's excited faces as they explored the endless movie selections that would get them through the next 18 hours.

Liam and Leif staying up until 2am and having ice cream on the plane.  The girls and I were out cold.

All of us getting 7 hours of sleep on the plane!

Our hotel in Bangkok with the outdoor, covered pool on the 18th floor, high above the city.  Prelsy had her own little pool.  Leif and I napped in the cabanas.

Key, our first guide, who immediately fell in love with the kids and us with her!  She was wonderful.

Walking through the train market.  The smells, the fish heads, the hanging meat.  The coconut water and the treats.  The buddhists in training singing in a line.  The actual train station itself!

Our longboat tour of the floating markets.  It just felt surreal and I could not stop smiling.

Liam's constant questioning of everything.  No shy kid in Thailand apparently!  He was into it!

Our first real Thai meal alongside the river.  The girls loved the octopus.  We saw a dead dog floating down the river and tried to distract the kids.

Taking the girls to the bathroom with no toilets.  Just squat girls...

Mango sticky rice, pina coladas, coconut smoothies, breakfast buffets.

All the kids putting their hands in prayer and saying "Sawadee ka" to everyone.

The way the Thai people LOVED our girls!  They were like celebrities.  Skyler getting pulled into selfie shots right and left.  Random people picking up and carrying Presley every time she got tired. 

The tour of the Grand Palace.  The heat that day.  The guards that we couldn't get to smile.  Worrying about losing Presley in the crowd.  The White Elephant story.  Where are the princesses?"

Tuk tuk rides.  SO fun and exhilarating.

Our Chiang Mai hotel - the "yellow hotel" as Presley called it.  Swimming in the pool.  Liam and Skyler jumping off the edge.  Playing "palace" with Presley.  The gecko in the tree.

Thai massages....wow.  Even Liam got a foot massage.  Leif and I couldn't stop laughing at the name of the place "Happy Massage."

The night market.  More tuk tuk rides.  Henna tattoos.  Chaos.

Elephants...need I say more!??? 

I will say more...Presley calling to her elephant - "Bunjen Ma!" (Bunjen come!); feeding and brushing the elephants, Liam's elephant giving him a "nudge" and Liam falling right on his butt; The amazement in the kids's and Leif's eyes.  Skyler in the water with her elephant.  Presley informing me that "this is my first time riding an elephant."

Hearing a constant voice saying "pinch me!"  I can't believe we did it!  Looking over at Leif and knowing that he felt the same.

Driving up the the Lisu Village and seeing poverty and smiles everywhere we looked.

The colors of Lisu.  Whether the grass or the homes or the outfits.  Beautiful.

Walking around with Liam and stumbling upon the Buddhist temple in the middle of the forest.

The windstorm while visiting the shaman's house.  Liam asking question after question about the shaman's powers.  The kids holding the baby chicks.  Leif drinking the local whiskey.

Blowing bubbles with our guide with a leaf.

Flying in to Phuket.  That view!

The way the sand felt on our feet and the water's incredible turqoise color the first time we walked onto the beach.


Skyler getting sick but powering through like a rockstar.  I would have been a mess but she would get Tylenol in her and power on.  That kid wasn't about to miss any part of Thailand...

Worrying the auntie Kayla was hurt - calling hospitals because I thought she was supposed to be at our hotel a day earlier than she actually planned.

Seeing Kayla when she first arrived.  Her tears and sadness, which we shared, about her dear friend's death.  Recognizing the importance of family yet again.

Our place in Phuket...seriously?  What are we, movie stars?  Don't get too used to this kids!

A butler....yes, a butler.

The "Happiness Spa" and Liam's first ... foot massage.  LOL.  The girls getting their hair braided.

Surfing the man made wave in Phuket and almost breaking our necks.  Liam body boarding (good call).  Kayla in the kiddy pool with the girls.

Dinner at the Ska Bar.  Coolest bar I have ever been to.  Built into a rock wall along the Andaman Sea.

The floating lights.  The kids excitement.  Presley refusing to be called Presley...she is "Rapunzel!" Lighting and releasing our own floating light.

Longboat ride to Raleigh Beach.  Thinking "is this real?"

Climbing to the viewpoint despite Leif's best attempts to get us off the rocks.  Feeling so proud of the kids and seeing the confidence in their eyes once we made it safely down.  It was scar but we did it...slow and steady up and down the wall.  Liam and I putting "war paint" on our faces with the red clay.

The monkeys.  Wait...where did dad go?  He was out of there.

Skyler: "Mom, what are those monkeys doing?"  Brie: "ummm...piggy back rides"  Skyler: "oh"

The longboat tour.  Chicken island.  Beach BBQ.  Fire dancing.


Yellow fish all around Presley without her knowing.  When she did see them, she panicked and our tour guide jumped in the water to be next to her and tell her she was ok.

Liam, Skyler and Leif's muffled screams as they looked down on so many amazing fish.  Puffer fish.  Sea snake.   Jelly fish.

Sunset on Raleigh Beach.  Presley photo bombing our kiss shot.  Typical and ironic.

The penis shrine.  Yes...you heard me right.  People from all over bring penis sculptures to this cave to give to the "Mother of Fertility."  I knocked two over while trying to get a picture and very awkwardly had to pick them back up and put them back in place while trying to keep Presley from touching every single one!  Leif laughing so hard I thought he was going to fall over.

The sandstone caves.  Exploring.  Adventures.

The kids falling asleep in the van.  They would sleep when they were tired, eat when they were hungry.  There were no meltdowns.  None.  They acclimated easily.  The proved they can go far.  They are world travelers. 

To my husband Leif, who made this trip happen.  Thank you.  You go along with my crazy spontaneity/impulsiveness.  You say yes when I know it isn't always easy. You put yourself out there.  You are open to new experiences and I love you for that. 

Loosening the Leash on Liam and Skyler

Snow days snow days and more snow days.  It’s been ridiculous this year.  Awesome on the one hand and a scheduling nightmare for working moms and dads on the other.  Now when you wake up to three inches, it is understandable that they cancel school.  But when you wake up the next day and the rain has washed 90% of it away and they still cancel school…..not cool.  With no snow to play in, the kids quickly got restless.  I had work I needed to get done and am also a true believer in giving your kids a long rope so that they feel trusted.  So, I told them they could walk to Walgreens together IF they stayed on all available sidewalks, watched out for each other and were SUPER SUPER aware of any cars on the hill.  They jumped on the opportunity and headed out the door faster than I could think “oh my God, what have I done?”  I quickly grabbed my coat, stayed a healthy distance behind them, and played spy mom the whole way down the hill.
They were so darn cute!  They talked the whole way, jumped to the side of the road when cars drove by, took an extra-long route so that that could stay on the sidewalks, and headed in to Walgreens like two little adults.  They bought their gum and candy and walked out….to the left…..not the right.  Hmmm.  What are they up to I thought to myself while peeking out from behind the trash can I was hiding behind.
Starbucks is what they were up to.  I literally laughed out loud as they headed in to the Starbucks.  Of course.  They walked out a few minutes later and Skyler had a vanilla steamer in her hand.  Liam had saved some of his money at Walgreens to buy his sister a steamer.  My heart nearly exploded.  They made it home safely and never once saw that I was following them.  They beamed with pride for having done it all by themselves. 

Presley's room

I told the kids tonight to go up and clean their rooms before their bedtime show. After they went downstairs for some screen time, I went up to inspect. I found Presley's bed like this  I asked Skyler and Liam if they had helped her and they both adamantly said "no."

She's 3.  And let me tell you. That kid knows exactly what's goin on! #threegoingonsixteen

Whose excited?

One of our favorite times of the year is about to begin!  So many parents complain that baseball is too long and too slow of a sport to enjoy watching but we feel just the opposite.  It is so exciting to watch Liam, who enjoys the game so much, thrive with his friends.  Further, the girls are always there playing in the park and Leif and I get the opportunity to spend a couple hours together in peace.  It's a win win!

St Patrick's Day 2017

Well it is safe to say that St. Patty's Day for Leif and I is not the drinking, partying craziness it once was. It was more like "quick down this Guinness because its St. Patry's Day and the kids are going to be home any minute". Once the kiddos walked on it was all about getting them dressed and ready for the St Pattys Open House at the Gymnastics Connection where all three of them headed off to (even though it was for 5 year olds and older but whose kidding who?  Presley was not about to let her older brother and sister go without her!). They were so excited and cute and Liam was so sweet as he watched after his little sister. He has such an obvious sense of responsibility for his younger sisters that makes my heart burst. 

"Oh for Pete's Sake Mommy!"

As I went to put Presley in the car this afternoon, I opened the wrong side. She belts out "oh for Pete's sake mommy!"  

Now where did she get that?