Seriously Presley

Well this is what I am dealing with at the moment....

I told her it was time for bed.  The next thing I know, I am having a lightsabor match with a 2 year old.  Pretty sure she thinks she has the upper hand....

Dad goes to France...Grandma goes to the hospital

About a month ago, Leif and I were driving down the hill together when he got a text from his uncle Keith.  Keith was inviting him to go bike around the south of three weeks.  Leif waffled back and forth until I told him that if he was not going to go, I would!  And I wouldn't think twice about it.  So...three weeks he went. To have one of the coolest experiences of his life.  

Not more than 36 hours after he left, I found myself in the ER with my very sick mom.  She had been fighting illness on and off for months.  Friday night she came to my doorstep in tears as she was running a very high fever and was scared to stay by herself.  She spent the night and then, feeling a little better the next day, headed home.  Sunday morning I found her collapsed in her bathroom and off to the hospital we went.

Mom in hospital....three kids 8 and under at dad.  I managed for approximately 24 hours and then had to call in for back-up.  In a teary conversation with Leif, he told me to call his dad.  Ted was at my house 9 hours later.

My mom had pneumonia, was losing control of her bladder, and had lost a tremendous amount of strength.  She could not hold herself up in bed and was throwing up all the nutrients she took in.  I was scared, and so was she.  I wanted so desperately to help her feel better.  I gave those nurses and doctors a run for their money.

She started to get better about 4 days later.  By the time Leif was home the following Saturday, she was able to walk and was rebuilding her strength.  I was so relieved.

Leif had an awesome time despite his worrying about my mom and I.  I can honestly say it was the first time that he went on a trip without me that I did not feel resentful, jealous or frustrated by.  Thinking about him biking through France made everything that was going on here more tolerable.  He would not have been able to make my mom better by being closer and, instead, he gave us something to talk about in the hospital that was upbeat and fun.

Annual Phoenix Trip

It never disappoints.  Even flying to Pheonix is fun with all the anticipation of the sunshine to come.  It took about 2.5 minutes before the kids had stripped down, put their suits on and jumped in the pool.  How spoiled we are the entire time!  While the kids played in the pool, we sat poolside drinks in hand.  Golf cart rides, pickleball, daddy’s old toys, dress up clothes, Stephanie’s cooking, coloring, arts and crafts, golfing, running, drinking and relaxing.  And that’s just when we stay at the house!  In addition to all that, we got to go to the waterslide one day and to the red rock library another.  And to top it off, Leif and I spent a night away in Sedona while the kids stayed back with Ted and Steph.  It was so beautiful – everything we had heard.  We took a long hike in the Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness and I learned something new about Leif!  He is afraid of heights unless he is wearing skis – go figure!  So, I scared him half to death as I walked out onto the cliffs to get a better view. ;)  We enjoyed a really fun evening, filled with warm weather, tank tops and margaritas and stayed at an incredible hotel right downtown.  The drive itself was meaningful – just to have a few hours to ourselves with no interruption.  I am so glad we still enjoy each other so much.   
I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the explaining….

Baseball Season!

Baseball season has been so much fun this year.  We’ve been lucky with the weather and the fact that the games are right at the bottom of the hill at Juanita Beach Park has made it so easy.  Skyler usually brings her best buddies, Ari and Gwen, with us and the girls (including Presley) run around the park while Liam plays.  Liam’s team has gotten so much better and despite it being the first year of kid pitch, the kids have actually done really well.  Liam pitched 3 times this season – the second time being his best.  He really is a great athlete and will be so good at whatever he puts his mind to.  I am grateful that he is not a one sport kid at this point and is willing to explore most sports (except for soccer which, “is not really his sport” according to him).  He loves football, baseball, skateboarding, skiing.  With Herron Island in the summer, we are reluctant to have him do any premier sports unless he is dying to do so.  But Liam likes his freedom and does not like to be overly scheduled.  So, for now, I am loving that he is just exploring.  We will definitely miss baseball season though and look forward to next year.

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

I talk about our neighborhood a lot – 26 kiddos under the age of 12 in a 3 block area.  How cool is that?  Liam and Skyler can come home from school and actually play….like kids should.  Presley is now starting to go up into the cul de sac as well to be with her “friends.” Skyler and Liam are usually good about letting her join. ;)  Today was Easter and after church, we headed out to find all the eggs the Easter Bunny had hid all over the neighborhood.  Now the real challenge begins….how much candy do we let them eat??

Presley and Grandma at Gymnastics

Well, grandma couldn’t let her baby be ignored.  With Skyler getting so much attention from gymnastics and Liam with baseball, grandma enrolled Presley into a mommy (grandma) and me class at the Gymnastics Connection.  Presley is apparently a bit of a spazz running around like a chicken with her head cut off.  Grandma runs around trying to keep up and trying to keep Presley from jumping off (or falling off) the mats.  She says that by the end, Presley is just fine but she is exhausted!  Leif went to watch them today and said it was the funniest thing.  Every grandma turned around, Presley was gone.  He said my mom just kept throwing her arms up and saying “I have no idea where she is!”  Sometimes Aunt Chris and cousin Grant come too.  They have become such good buddies.

Cousin Alex comes to visit...

Cousin Alex came to visit us this last week and how special it was.  He has turned into the coolest guy.  Skyler literally cried when he left.  He brought with him a calmness to our otherwise chaotic life that was so nice.  Down for whatever, he would sit and play guitar with Liam, talk about kid stuff with Skyler, play video games, go out for dinner, eat in…whatever worked for all of us.  It was really refreshing to have him here.  We love you Cousin Alex.

Big Girl Bed

I’m not gonna lie….this one was hard.  I had a huge lump in my throat as I walked into her bedroom tonight and saw her sleeping, for the first night, in a big girl bed.  My last baby.  Now out of a crib.  Ughhh.  Why why why can’t I just freeze time?

Mom and Dad's Anniversary

I know this blog is all about the kids, but I suppose its ok to post a couple pics of Leif and I too (since there would be none of these kids if it weren't for us after all!!!)  It was our 12th year anniversary today.  We went to our favorite restaurant – the same one we went to on our 1st anniversary.  Impossible to document how different we are today than then, but I will say this.  Our marriage is strong.  Stronger than ever.  He still makes me laugh every day and how many women are lucky enough to say that.  He still tells me he loves me every day (ok, several times a day).  He is still my favorite person to spend time with.  We still love to work by each other’s sides.  He is, by far, the best father I know.  I still feel tremendously, incredibly, amazingly lucky that he chooses me.

Skyler Performs at UW

Skyler and her team got to perform at a UW meet this weekend.  It was so fun (maybe mostly for me) to go watch the college girls compete and then see Skyler out there on the floor.  Now I may be biased, but she is so darling – the littlest one on the team this year and smiling so big.  They kept catching her on video and putting her up on the big screen.  It was awesome.