New Years 2016

Well, we brought in the New Year by going to our dear friend Chabree's house for dinner and celebrations.  I know I have said this before but we are beyond blessed to live in a neighborhood where we are all so close and where are children are best friends.  Chabree is an amazing cook so we don't often turn down a dinner invite at her place!  

As far as New Year's resolutions....well, I am embarrassed to say that we just did not make them this year.  Our family of 5 is doing a great job of living life to the fullest as we juggle multiple schedules and activities.  I suppose our goal is to keep that up until we have time to sit down and focus.  That time will come, it just won't likely be this year.

I can say that the kids are all doing wonderfully so it appears we are doing something right and our marriage is stronger than it's ever been so that's saying something! 

This comparison was too good not to is obvious that Presley and Uncle Mike had a great time on New Years!

The Force Awakens

Some would say we are the best parents in the world for the stunt we pulled today and others would say that’s questionable.  However, Leif remembers the day that his dad pulled him out of school to take him to see Star Wars and I wasn’t about to miss out on an opportunity like that, so the four of us (Presley still won’t sit through a movie) woke up this morning and instead of going to school, we went to see the new Star Wars movie – The Force Awakens.   Yes, I did have to leave for 20 minutes to join a conference call in the lobby but aside from that nuance, the adventure was a hit!  You can imagine who was the most geeked out of all of us…..though I won’t mention any names (Leif).  I think he got chills at least 35 times. 

Thanksgiving 2016

My mom hosted Thanksgiving this year at her new place in Kirkland, which looks absolutely amazing.  She lived through a total remodel and, in the end, it proved worth every minute of time the contractors spent (ok, not every minute....but you know what I mean).  Her place is so perfect not only for her, but for the kids too.  Two bedrooms, pool, creek, toys, grandma....what more could a grandchild want! 

We had a traditional dinner and Aunt Chris, Sean, Yuko and Grant came too.  Presley and Grant discovered the bowl of whip cream when no one was looking and they were so cute, none of us could take it away from them!

The 5 of us headed out to Herron Island for the weekend after. Although it was cold, we had some good quality time.

School Photos...what cuties

Yes I did forget that it was school pictures today.  No I do not feel bad about that.  Liam and Skyler always look adorable.  :)

Presley's hurt foot....

I am posting this video to show the excruciating pain that Presley was in after Skyler hurt her (meaning Skyler's) ankle.  Presley decided that because Skyler was hurt, somehow, so was she.  She had such sympathy pain that she was limping around Cuddlebugs Daycare and they kept asking me what was wrong with her....for three days she has been limping around!  What a character.  Somebody needs to be enrolled in acting classes!

Family Picture Time

This year we decided to go down to the waterfront at Lake Union to take pictures.  The Amazon campus and the Seattle skyline was in the background.  We had a classic moment that really describes perfectly where we are at in life....

About 15 minutes into the shoot, I pulled Jennifer (or friend and photographer) aside and told her that I really didn't want posed shots.  What I wanted was to capture the beautiful chaos that life is right now.  Three kids...all young, full of energy and abundantly active. 

Not less than 3 minutes later, Presley goes tumbling down the concrete steps head first and get's a black eye.  Well....yep....I guess that shows the chaos I was looking for!

Here are a couple of my favorites (pre-black eye). 

And here is one post black eye...

Queen Presley

...or the child that didn't want to go to bed when you said it was time for night night. 

Halloween Moon

I didn't have my phone on me tonight when Skyler, Liam and I walked down to get the mail so we had to take "picture memories" of the moon and store those pictures deep inside our brains!  The moon was such a cool expression of how special those 30 minutes were. Both kids were so carefree as we walked down to the mailbox at 7pm in the dark to see if Liam's new books had arrived. We looked at all the spooky decorations, Skyler held my hand and was "brave" and Liam charged ahead excited about his books. When we got down the first hill, we looked out over Juanita and saw what was honestly the most awesome moon I have ever seen. It was coming up over the horizon, was bright orange and as big as could be and was surrounded by spooky looking stray clouds. It reminded me of the moon in Charlie Brown's Halloween. It looked like a painting. We all agreed that we live on the coolest place ever and that this world is filled with such wonderful things. Totally cheesy I know, but it was a very special moment. 

Presley "coulours"

Each day that Presley comes home from Cuddlebugs, we go through this routine:

Presley tells me she wants to "coulour".  She says it very clearly.
I tell her to get some paper and crayons.
She makes her way to the art drawer, pulls it out with all her strength, and gets paper and markers out.
I tell her she can't use markers.
She slaps her hand on her leg and growls at me.
I take the markers and give her one pen and the rest colored pencils.
She reluctantly complies, lays down on the carpet and goes to it. 
She then holds up her beautifully constructed scribbles and says "look mommy."
I am astonished and amazed and tell her she is so talented and such a wonderful artist. 
She asks for a snack.