"Scustin" (Disgusting)

Ok I know this is a gross picture but this is what I walked out to this afternoon. I was in the bedroom putting away clothes when I heard Presley saying "scustin...scustin". I walked out only to find that she had dragged her potty into the middle of the hallway and gone poop. Apparently this child is potty training herself because I tell you what...I am not ready!

Skate Camp

Coolest camp of the summer by far!  He excelled so quickly it was amazing. Started out barely able to push himself forward and finished the week dropping in on the quarter pipe and going down stairs!!

Camp Herron Island

#LUCKYKIDZ!!  I think they know how lucky they are because I know they LOVE Herron Island and they LOVE their grandparents - combine the two together and you get Camp Herron Island. The kids alternated this summer spending one week with Grandpa Teddy and Gramdma Stephie. Non-stop fun is what it sounded like from night swims to clamming to gardening to art projects. Skyler even got a trip to the zoo where she volunteered in front of what looked like 100 people!  The kids came back happy and excited to share their stories and they even seemed relatively rested great job grandma and grandpa and thank you for the break from three!

Pictures to come!

Liam's First Overnight Camp

Our brave grown up boy went off with a smile on his face this Sunday to Lake Wenatchee YMCA.  The only sign that he was at all nervous was that he told Leif he loved him about 18 times that morning.  He was in a cabin with his buddy Carsen and from what I can tell from the pictures and his excitement when I picked him up Wednesday afternoon, he had a GREAT time.  Only thing was that he came back home beyond exhausted!  Apparently they went to bed at 10pm every night (only about three hours later than usual for the poor boy!) 

Presley and Mom trip to Santa Barbara

Presley and I decided to take a last minute trip to Santa Barbara so that I could attend my 20th year reunion.  I hadn't been to my 10 year so it was really special to be able to show up for this one.  I did not remember knowing a whole lot of people from high school, just the handful I ate lunch with, because I was so involved with gymnastics during that time.  But being there, and going through yearbooks, and talking with people made me realize that I actually knew a lot more people than I remember.  It was special to feel a connection to my past...some sense of roots.  It is hard to explain but it made me feel more grounded.

And, of course, it was so much fun to travel with little Presley who was a super star the whole time.  We stayed with our friends Jenny and Jon Miller - Jenny who I knew in high school and reconnected with in law school.  They were so sweet to host us and I enjoyed their beautiful view.

We love our neighborhood!

If Leif and I were in the market for a place to live today, there is a good chance we would pick (a) a house closer to the 520 (considering my commute) and (b) one with a more modern style. But I just can't imagine moving because our house is truly PERFECT for the Jensen Home. With the huge backyard that looks like we are running a daycare to the big deck;  Leif's office downstairs, and the bedrooms on the top level, it just works perfect for us. And even more than that, it's the neighborhood. Someone said there is 26 kids on top of Goat Hill and I don't question it. It has a 1970's neighborhood feel. Kids outside constantly. Friends just across the street. Moms and dads that look out for our kids as though they were their own. I really don't know if Leif and I could both work full time if it were not for this neighborhood!  No scheduling "play dates". It's just always one big play date up here!

More Herron Island Fun

Getting our $$ worth!!!

Last day of School

Hard to believe Skyler is now a first grader and Liam a second grader. If you look at how much they have changed this year, physically and emotionally, it blows me away!  They have both grown at least a few inches.  Liam is a BOY, not a little kid anymore, full of strong muscles and a much more confident persona. Skyler continues to stretch out, is excelling in school and gymnastics and is just a joy. They are just so much fun. I know I say this all the time but someone please! Slow down time!!!

Friends and Herron Island

We switched off. Casper and Gwen got to come to Herron last weekend and Ari came this weekend. The kids love having their friends at the island with them. I wonder if they know how lucky they are to have it!  Every time we are out there, I am blown away at the life Leif and I (with the help of many!) have created. It is SO good.

Naked Leggos

After Presley's bath this evening I couldn't find her anywhere. As it turns out, she had walked her little naked booty into Liam's room, sat down and work d on her first Lego project. This is how I found them and this was the result of her hard work. She is definitely more into building than Skyler was and chooses to be in Me Me's (Liam's) room now about half the time. Sis sis (Skyler) still prefers the more girly stuff!