My Birthday

One thing I really miss since having kids (aside from just time in general!) is being able to do "projects" with Leif. We have always loved working together on house projects and since having kids, it is now "divide and conquer."  In other words, I watch the kids so he can do the work.

So for my birthday, I really wanted to be able to work with him. He has been doing so much on the Herron Island place ... I mean, we have except he does all the work and I play with the kids. Which I know sounds like I am getting the better end of the deal, but call me crazy...I miss doing the physical work. 
So my mom came out with us and between her, Ted and Stephanie, they watched the kids while we had a birthday painting party. We painted The house and it looks amazing!  I love it!  And it was so fun to do it together. 

Baseball Fun

It has been so much fun this year to go to Liam's games and watch how much he has excelled.  The boys now understand the game, are more interested in the ball than the dirt and are actually getting some solid hits.  Liam is a great fielder too!  Tonight he was the only boy to hit the ball all the way to the outfield and there was one inning when he played 3rd base that he got all three outs. 

It is also so cool to see Leif, and the three other dads, show up every single game for these little guys to teach them how to play.  Coach Chris is awesome although a little unstable - like a good coach should be.  ;)

The weather has been reasonably nice so Skyler and her friends Ari and Gwen come down to the park with her and the girls run around like crazy while Liam plays.  Presley stays close by but also explores the park - usually with grandma. 

What a great life we live.

Mother's Day

Liam's class did something special this year for moms. I got to go in to his class, sit at his desk while he served me (and him) juice and cookies and then listen to the kids sing songs about their moms (he actually sang a little bit) and then recite a poem they had written. It was very very sweet. For the actual day, we went out to Herron Island and the kids surprised me with coffee and presents in bed. I feel so incredibly blessed to be the mom of these three perfect kiddos. They are wonderful in every single way. 

Skyler's Birthday Party - 6 years old!!!

Skyler was in her element big time as she glowed with excitement at being the center of attention amongst all of her best friends.  The party was at the Gymnastics Connection and the girls (plus Liam) had a blast running, hopping, cartwheeling, summersaulting and bouncing around the gymnasium.  After an hour of play, they gathered around the table where Skyler was given a medal and a shirt.  We had pizza and cake and her smiles and giggles were contagious. 

On her actually birthday, which fell on a Thursday this year, we took her out to Plaza Garcia with the family and grandma where they let her wear the sombrero and sang Happy Birthday to her.

Happy 6th Birthday my sweet first born girl.  Your energy, love, acceptance, confidence and calm amazes me every single day.  We love you so much.

Sneaky sneaky

This is how I found them this morning. Do they look guilty or what?  Sure enough, after a bit of tickling, I found the iPad behind them!  Thank goodness they are young and innocent still!!!

Science Fair

Liam and his buddy Maxi, and Skyler and her girlfriend Layla participated in the Science Fair this year. Now some people have ventured as far as to call me crazy and shake their head at me given how hectic things have been for Leif and I over the last couple months with sick kiddos, demanding jobs, sports, appointments, etc. etc. but herein lies the dilemma: We are in a season of chaos and yet we still want it all for our kids. There is no easy answer for where we are at in life right now - it is busy and often times hectic but we remain grateful on a daily basis. We really do. So I said "yes of course" when the kids asked to participate in the science fair and we made the time to have their friends over two times prior to the big day to put it all together. Skyler and Layla's project was flowers that changed colors when placed in dye and Liam and Maxi's project consisted of milk, food coloring and dishwashing soap - they called it Tie Dyed Milk. Here are some pictures!

Big surprise in Arizona

We were so excited as we headed into a week in the sun!  It was the perfect Christmas present from Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Stephie finally coming to fruition!  We knew there was a big surprise but could not for the life of us figure out what it might be.  The flight was easy as pie and little Presley did wonderfully.  Liam and Skyler have now become rock star travelers. 

Leif saw it first as we walked in to Ted and Stephanie's house.  He pointed through the window to the backyard and said "look!"  A brand new pool, beautifully landscaped and ready to be populated by three excited grandkids.  It was perfect.  It made our trip so easy as we did not have to lug kids and towels and food and toys too and from the clubhouse.  Nap time was not disruptive as Presley would go down and we wouldn't have to stop the fun.  We really barely left the house!  It was everything we needed our vacation to be...relaxing, fun, family filled, and easy!  BIG thanks to Grandma and Grandpa.

Our little caretaker

Presley has not been feeling well lately - poor little thing has been hit hard in her first year of day care!  Thank God we have little Liam to take care of her. ;)

Herron Island Quick Escape

I have to admit, I was reluctant to head out to Herron Island this weekend.  I have been so exhausted with our very busy life and the idea of having to pack for the weekend was an overwhelming thought.  But Leif knew that we needed it and pushed us to go and I am so glad he did!  I can literally feel my whole self decompress once we get out there.  The kids could not be more content.  We all breathe so much easier out there.  I really feel like keeping this place is the best decision we have made for our family!

Becoming good friends

Skyler and Presley have recently started to get really close.  It's funny because it has, since now, been Liam and Presley that would hang out more.  Skyler would be off with her friends or doing her own thing.  But lately, Liam is out with his buddies every day after school and Skyler has been hanging back.  Her and Presley build forts, Skyler pulls her around on a blanket, Presley follows her around and tries to do every thing Skyler does, they sing, they dance, they even jump on the trampoline together (well, Skyler jumps and Presley falls).  It is awesome to see them start to get close and to see Presley run to her for hugs when she gets home.