Papa visits

Papa came to visit this weekend and we just stuck around so the kids could have a ton of down time playing in the neighborhood and relaxing in the house.  Lots of reading on Papa's lap and playing with Papa's duck!

Presley's first official bowl office cream

I don't really think she liked it...

Valentine's Day

Not only did the kids let us sleep in for Valentines Day, but they left us this note on our door.  We must be doing something right!  So darn sweet.

Crystal Mountain Trip

I have to admit that we were a little reluctant as we rode the Gondola up to the top of Crystal Mountain.  There is so little snow that only one chair - Green Mountain - was open.  And there is only one way down from the top of Green Mountain - a black diamond run.  So, in full Jensen style, we lug our 5 and 7 year old up there and pray for the best!  And I am so glad we did because the result could not have been more positive.  Both Skyler and Liam tore up the hill as Leif and I beamed with pride.  Skyler only hesitated for one run and then got her ski legs and went for it.  Liam, of course, could not be burdened with waiting, and continually took off and met us at the bottom (sound like a Jensen?)  We cycled the run all day and stopped only for a top of the mountain lunch.  We stayed at Alta Crystal like we have done the last couple years and Grandma stayed home with Presley so we could enjoy some two on two time with the older ones.  It was a wonderful trip despite there being such little snow and I hope we can continue to make this an annual thing.  

Sleep tight sweet girl

This is called "mommy style" sleeping.  :)  

Skyler the little gymnast


It's become Skyler and my routine to go together to her practice on Tuesday nights.  It is so fun for me to watch her and she makes sure I see her every move.  God forbid I check my phone at any point during her practice - she will call me out on it.  It's been good for me to just slow down, watch and adore my first born girl.  She is good too!

Super Bowl 2015

The outcome was devastating but it was fun while it lasted....

Space Needle

I picked up the kids from the bus stop - along with the two Murray boys - and since it was a half day and I did not have a ton of work on my desk, I decided to do a spontaneous trip to the Space Needle!  The kids LOVED the adventure and little Skyler, being the only girl and the youngest by over a year, held her own (as you can see!)  

Snoqualmie ski lessons

They only managed to get three weekends in but Leif had an awesome time taking the kids up to Snoqualmie for their lessons while it lasted!  Liam and Skyler both go around saying that skiing is their favorite sport.  Love love love it.