Skyler Wyler.

Have I told you all yet how much I love and adore her?

Fathers Day 2014

It started with breakfast in bed with Starbucks coffee (the picture is an "after picture...there was a cinnamon roll on the right and Presley are have the "U"). Then church, lunch at Red Hook, a big nap, and Game of Thrones. I hope it was everything he needed!  Happy Fathers Day Leif. You are in all ways, a wonderful father to our three nutty kids. Thank you for giving them to me!

Skyler bifs it!

Running full speed down the driveway, Skyler tripped and skidded down the pavement on her knees, elbows, chin and teeth.  She came screaming her way into the house covered in blood and panicked. Once we cleaned her up, it was not as bad as it seemed but the poor little thing just wanted to go to sleep and we wouldn't let her because we were afraid that she had hit her head and may have a concussion. She was shook but recovered fully in about an hour and just keeps asking me, "how can one fall make so many boo boos!??


I mean....really???  Leif caught this shot today when he came up for lunch.  She melts my heart.

Sweet brother

If I haven't mentioned it before, I will now: Liam is totally enamoured with his baby sister. He is quick to meet her every need (hence, in my opinion, why she is not yet crawling!), carries her around like a doll, plays with her, snuggles her, kisses her, comforts her, makes her laugh and just generally loves her to death.

So tonight, when Skyler asked Liam, "Liam, do you love Presley more than you love me?", my heart stopped. I quickly told him that there was a right answer to that question and he, ever so sweetly answered her, "no Skyler. I love you both the same way."
(He may have earned extra video game time for that). Given how dang competitive they can be with each other, it would have been such an easy opportunity for him to make a stab. But he knew that one would really hurt and he answered her honestly instead. I love him so much. 

Liam is Student of the Week

So darn fun to see Liam in his element today with all his buddies (including the little girls that LOVE him). The highlight was Leif - he gets the best dad in the world award as he shared with Liam's class what he does for a living - "I color on the computer."  Liam was beaming as Leif superimposed Mr. Gervais head onto Russel Wilson's body. The laughter was contagious. So fun to see Skyker too (who got in to full day kindergarten!) just right there ready to go with the rest of them!  Liam was so excited to show her everything - from how to stand in line to where to out her trash at lunch. 

LJ our baseball star

I think this is his sport. He is loving it and he is's not just a proud mom bragging. He really is a great player and he seems so confident out there. I love to see this side of him!

Skyler is a five year old!

How did it happen? Where did the time go? It's so cliche to say it but it's so so true - it goes so damn fast!!!  I can't believe that my sweet, easy going, flexible little baby has turned into a sweet, easy going, flexible little girl with so much personality, confidence and presence!  She is truly am amazing child - so good and patient with her older brother, so unshaken by her younger sister...just so secure in who she is. I adore every little part of her and am so proud that she is my oldest daughter. 
She had a Frozen themed birthday party with Elsa and all. The pictures tell it best but the highlight was when all the girls, led by Skyler, belted out, with power and pride, the song "Let it Go".  I thought I was videoing but missed it darnit. It will, however, be forever etched in my memory it was so stinken cute!