Killin slugs...

And here was our dinner time conversation:

Leif (starving) sits down to eat his dinner and gets two bites in and says: "why is there water all over the table under my plate?"
Liam says: "oh, because I sliced up a slug right there and tried to clean it up with water but it spilled"
Leif (totally disgusted and having a hard time chewing his bite) says: "with what?"
And then we all see a slimy, wet, oozing knife in the middle of the table. 
Poor Leif couldn't finish his dinner. LOL!!!

Fun day at the beach

It was a beautiful Sunday so after church and Costco, we walked down to Jusnita beach for more fun in the sun (apparently we can't get enough). Presley slept in the stroller as the kids road their scooters and Leif and I peacefully walked the hill (ok, not really - we stressed out the whole way yelling at the kids to "move to the side of the road,"..."car coming"..."slow down"..."watch out for your sister!!"). But once at the beach, it was a very relaxing time. After we had taken in the sun, we moved across to the park so Liam and Leif could play tball. To is so nice when we are able to slow down life and enjoy...

Happy 10 Year Anniversary Mom and Dad

We managed to plan the getaway of our dreams only 2 hours away.  Leif and I headed to Crystal Mountain to stay in the honeymoon suite at Alta Crystal for three days!  There was an avalanche at Crystal this last week and we almost cancelled thinking that the mountain was not in ski condition but we could no have been more wrong.  We ended up getting the most beautiful day of skiing on Saturday with no lines and perfect conditions.  We were able to sleep in for the first time in 7 years - would you believe we both slept until almost 10!!?? I really don't think I have done that since college.  We watched movies, went in the hot tub and relaxed thoroughly over the stay.  It was just what we needed.

The reason for three!

For the few years that I begged Leif to have a third child with me, I kept saying "I just picture a third". The most predominant time this vision would hit was when the kids were in the bath. I could literally picture the third there with them splashing in the bubble bath. And now we have our precious Presley and my dream is true!!!


Leif is so jealous of Presley who got to experience a Seahawks win in her first year of life.  He has had to wait 38 years!!  We had a really great time with tons of friends, tons of food, and a ton of good laughs, screams, high fives, jumping up and downs, and altogether pure joy!  GO HAWKS!

Precious Skyler Girl

She is in heaven with her new big sister, Erica - also known as the best nanny in the world.  I don't want to jinx it but she is just phenomenal.  Today Skyler, Presley and Erica went to the fabric store to buy fabric to make doll clothes.  Seriously?  Yesterday they went to the library and got a bunch of God books.  She made fried chicken for dinner the other night that was amazing.  And my laundry is never overflowing.  What more could I ask for??

Liam's First Report Card

Yep...he's a genius.  Best little boy EVER.

Liam and Skyler - our little rippers!!!

First day of ski lessons was today. Presley and I were going to stay back and let Leif take the big kids but neither of us like to miss out so the whole family packed into Leif's truck and headed to Snoqualmie. Liam and Skyler both had all day lessons with Fiorini Ski School. They did so well and were so excited (and yes...Leif and I were totally geeked out). We were going to switch off skiing but conditions were pretty bad so we decided to hang out together (with Presley) instead. Kids had an hour and a half lunch with us - Leif packed a ski lunch that they wolfed down. Can't even believe this day has come!

The Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl!!!!

I would like to think the birth of our children or even our wedding was the most excited Leif has ever been but today gave those events a run for their money!!!!  He waited 38 years for this and wouldn't put Presley down for the entire second half because he said she was the lucky charm (I had to change her jammie's after the game as she was so sweaty!).  Whatever works!  THE SEAHAWKS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!