Mom and Dad Ski Date
It was a work holiday but Erica was still coming so Leif and I decided to take a ski day together. It is still our favorite thing to do together and it was so much fun to just be together. It was a perfect sunny day. I love him so much.
Hiking and bike riding!
We had such a great weekend and even though it takes 45 minutes to get all three kids to the car, the end result was worth it! We went hiking in St. Edwards Park on Saturday and bike riding in Juanita Bay on Sunday. Everyone was in such good spirits and the sun was shining bright.
Leif let Liam use the blower...
Leif asked Liam to blow the leaves off the deck and the next thing you know here is what happened...
New Years Day
Uncle Mike's Holiday Party
So much fun this evening watching the Seahawks play over at Mike's house, visiting with family and friends and, of course, eating and drinking to our heart's content. The kids did great - no one caught on fire from the candles or spilled their blueberry juice on the floor. Phew! Presley slept for a bit in the back room but spent most of her time smiling at the guests. Thanks Mike (and Stephanie) for a wonderful evening!
Bikini parties in December
Let me start by letting everyone know that it has been 26 degrees in Kikrland over the last week. Apparently, in a four year old's mind, there is no better time to have a bikini party. Each day Skyler and her girlfriends Ari and Gwen get their bathing suits on and strut around with a confidence that I hope and pray Skyler will always have.
Family time
We had such a great day today proving that three kiddos does not have to slow us down. After church, we headed out to Woodinville to cut down our own Christmas tree. I have been asking for the last three years to have a real tree because that is one of my fondest childhood memories - cutting down our own tree. The kids grabbed their own saws and I strapped the baby into her Ergo and off we went in search of the perfect tree. Leif and Liam cut it down together and I caught it and put it back up so Skyler could take her cuts at it! It really is the best tree we have ever had and we decorated with purple lights and silver flowers. I am not going to tell you it was an "easy" day. Creating these memories and dedicating full days to the kids is not a walk in the park. But we love to do it and felt so good about our day. I am so grateful I have a husband whose energy matches my own! I couldn't do this without him!
I have to hand it to my husband. After the week he has had with a stressful work situation, a wife who went back to work and a 3 month old who has not been sleeping very well, Leif somehow had the energy to cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner. He was up early getting the turkey going, the stuffing cooked, the green bean casserole put together. He did it all and still had time for a morning walk (my favorite) with the kids and I.