Skyler's Eyes

The other day I noticed that even though she was sitting just across from Liam at the table, she walked around the table to stand next to him in order to see his picture. It happened three times - Liam would say "look Skyler" and she would look up and then say "wait, let me see" and then would walk around to get a better look. I started conducting my own experiments (never a great idea and a sure fire way to panic), and she could not see the clock, the pictures on our wall, or any details until she got very close. So we booked a doctor appointment (my 9th in three weeks) and off we went. After 4 hours of waiting, testing, moving offices, waiting and more testing, it turns out that our sweet girl has astigmatisms in both eyes and is seeing the world as though looking through a curved mirror. In hindsight, I can think of so many little clues and I feel so sad that I did not realize sooner. For example, looking out the window in the car, she always seems to have a hard time spotting things that we all can see right away. Reading books in bed, she is constantly pulling the book to her face and cries when she doesn't get to hold it saying "I can't see!". She misses the last stair coming down from her bedroom and falls at least once a week. There are more and it makes me want to cry and although I know glasses will be a pain (and my incredibly vain side wonders how it will affect how others perceive her), I am so happy that she will finally see the world clearly. She is completely unfazed

by it all and very confidently picked out the purple leopard glasses. She is truly a lesson to us all and her complete and all-encompassing security with herself is something I pray to God every day that she will never lose!!!


We still have not come down from the high of experiencing "the happiest place on earth!"  People ask if our trip was everything we wanted it to be and the only true answer is that it was so so so much more. Perhaps it was the fact that neither kid was scared to go on any of the rides - we took both Liam and Skyler on almost every single ride including Splash Mountain, Space Mountain and the Twilight Zone!  Splash Mountain had to be the highlight as all six of us went together in one boat two times! It was one thing for SJ to ride in the front when she didn't know any better but she did it twice!  Neither of the kids were thrilled about The Twilight Zone (in fact it took some convincing that it wasn't real when we went to bed that night) and Ted spent the entire ride screaming "I want to get off!!!"  Skyler yelled "not cool" when we finished Space Mountain HOWEVER, both the kiddos said they would do all the rides again (except for the Twilight Zone). Here we are almost a month later and the topic of conversation on the way home from school today was how awesome Pirates of the Caribbean was. We mastered the Fast Passes and were able to ride the Cars ride three times. We spent the first day at California Adventure Park and even Uncle Mike joined us. We stayed just across the street from the entrance at the Del Sol Inn and we were at the park from 8am-4pm before we came back for naps. Then back to the park for a few more hours to ride more rides and see the light show. The next day we spent at Disneyland. We happened upon the parade and the kids' faces were just priceless as they would see each character come around the corner. Such pure excitement and joy. Liam would scream and Skyler would wave. The princesses blew kisses to her and I thought her heart might explode. Stephanie, Skyler and I went to the princess lunch at Ariel's Grotto and Skyler had her picture taken with Ariel, Minnie, Belle, Aurora and Tiana. The boys went on a few rides that Skyler was not talk enough and we all met back up after lunch. That evening, we went back to Cars land to have dinner at Flo's Duner and besides the $8 3 ounce glasses of wine, it was a perfect evening. We spent the third day racing around doing everything we had left in our list at Disneyland. Skyler got to go with Grandpa Teddy to see a Rapunzel  performance while Liam, Leif, Stephanie and I went on Indiana Jones (which sacred Liam). He literally started crawling up Leif's leg as we stood in lone because he thought snakes and bats were going to come out!  We finished our time by standing in line 45 minutes to see Mickey which I thought was appropriate. We hit In and Out Burger on our way to the airport. 

There really is just one word to describe the trip:  MAGICAL
HAPPY 70th GRANDPA TEDDY and thank you so much for this trip. 
And last but not least, a HUGE thank you to my mom. Without her taking Presley for the four days, this trip would not have been possible. We are SO incredibly blessed to have her helping us out raising these three kiddos. She is an integral part of our every day life and selflessly helps us constantly. Thank you so much mom!

Liam's Self Portrait

Side note to Halloween. I went to Liam's kindergarten class for the Halloween parade and happened upon all the self portraits. I looked and looked and finally asked Liam which one was his. Can you guess?

Yep - Darth Vader. 
Here is his real school photo. Such a darling!!!

Halloween party

SO much fun picking out our pumpkins and decorating today!  This whole family loves Halloween!

Presley's 2 month visit

Ht: 22.34 inches (50%)

Wt: 10 lbs 14 ounces (50%)
Head size: 15.5 inches (55%)
She had three shots that she was so brave for. Cried for a bit (not as much as Liam but more than Skyler - go figure). She really is such a mix between LJ and SJ. She then fell asleep for the next 22 out of 24 hours but woke up the next day happy as can be!

Liam's 6 year old check up

Ht: 45.75 (45%)

Wt: 48 lbs (70%)
Healthy healthy boy!  His weight surprised us because he just looks so skinny these days!  I am constantly trying to get him to eat more (a battle I am currently losing). The best news was that his lungs sound clear and we have been off the asthma inhaler (Flovent) for two weeks. We have his follow up at children's hospital in a couple weeks and I am hopeful he can remain off the steroid for a while. 
Yes - that is a Mohawk. He came home with his dad from the barber shop with it. I secretly love it but am trying to be the responsible and protective mother. I said no Mohawk for picture day but otherwise, it was fine!

Grandpa Teddy's Birthday

We celebrated Ted's birthday a little early this year since Ted and Steph decided to head back to Arizona a few weeks before planned. The kids were so excited to go out to dinner and both out on their best attire - Skyler in her best princess garb and Liam in full Russel Wilson uniform. We went for Italian food in Totem Lake and then home for grandma stephie's famous pie. All three kiddos helped grandpa blow out his candles. And the best part?  It's not over. We get to keep celebrating in three weeks when we all go to Disneyland!

Liam's First Sleepover

We are entirely blown away by the confidence of our little guy. Since starting Kindergarten he has evolved into this little man that walks around this neighborhood like he owns the place!  He is having zero problems getting riding with Blake to the bus stop in the morning (which means I don't have to load 4 kids into the car for a three minute drive) and I cannot remember the last time I heard him say he was scared. He LOVES his teacher and is excited every day to show us his school work and tell us what he has been doing. Both kids get home in the afternoon and barely make it through the front door before flying outside to meet their friends and peruse the neighborhood. Most of the time that consists of jumping on our trampolone, riding bikes in the front, playing hide and chase, or heading to whoever's house has the coolest toys on that particular day. Today at 4pm, we had 8 kids in the house - 3 boys, 4 princesses and a baby. You would think it would be totally overwhelming and honestly, at times it is, but for the most part, it is completely enjoyable. And when the decibel level rises to a level that starts to make me crazy, I kick them all out and they find another house or just play outside. 

This evening, our neighbors Tim and Aly came over and we drank wine while the kiddos watched a movie. At the end of the night, Liam decided he wanted to go spend the night at Blake's house. He was so cute as he internally processed the whole thing:
Liam: "Well, I want Blake to stay over here"
Mom: "that's fine."
Blake: "no. I want Liam to come to my house."
Liam: "well, we have a lot of blankets here"
Mom: "no one has to spend the night at either house. It's up to you guys."
Liam: "I have an idea. I can take my blankets to Blake's house"
Mom: "that's a great idea. Then it will be like your house but just over there."
Liam: "yeah. I want to do that."
And here I am writing on this quiet Saturday morning and just like that - he's all grown up!

Could she possibly be the easiest baby?

Presley is definitely giving Skyker a run for her money these days on getting the title of "easiest baby in the world"!  She is two months old today and I swear, all that baby wants to do is smile. She NEVER cries unless she is hungry, she is so easy to read and her first stretch of sleep at night has been for 8-9 hours every night for the last 5 days!!!  Leif or I will get up to feed her at 3ish (3 ounces) and then she goes back down until 6am!  I would take that schedule for the next 6 months!!!  Her demeanor is so calm and sweet and she stops dead in her tracks every time Leif talks so that she can listen to him (he says she is the only Jensen girl that listens!). She can pick Liam and Skyler out of a crowd and watches them like a hawk. I can tell she is dying to go play!

Football Season has Begun

It would be a major understatement to say that the Jensen's are into football this year. From the pre-season game that we watched in the hospital on the day of Presley's birth to today's game, we have been obsessed. I have decided it is the perfect time to have a baby - Leif is 100% content on game days (whether it be the Seahawks, the Huskies or really, any other team that may affect the outcome of our standings) to hang home with his three (yes, I said three) kids and let me go do whatever I want to do. Funny thing is that I usually opt to stay home and watch the games!  The family is star struck over Russel Wilson and three out of five of us have the jerseys to prove it!