Presley's 1 Month Check Up

Presley's One Month Check Up

Height: 21.75 (55%)
Weight: 8 lbs 11.5 ounces (45%)
Head Size: 50%

For Comparison:

Liam at 1 month:

Height: 22.5 (90%)
Weight: 10 lbs 4 ounces (75%)
Head Size: 90%

Skyler at 1 month:

Height: 20.5 (25%)
Weight: 7 lbs 12.5 ounces (10%)

Liam's First Day of Kindergarten

Our baby boy went off to Kindergarten today in his new Lightning McQueen shirt after an enormous pancake breakfast.  I CANNOT believe he is there right now.  Leif and I were so unbelievably proud of him as we watched him walk in to the huge Carl Sandburg building.  Where did the time go?  He hardly batted an eye and did not look back a single time.  So brave.  So big.  So AWESOME.

Me on the other hand - I looked back about 200 times.  I hid my head in Leif's shoulder as he walked in so Liam wouldn't see the tears coming down my face.  I was not sad, just proud.  We snuck into his class once he had settled to get just a few more pictures and there he was, listening intently and raising his hand.  I really cannot believe this is the little boy that struggled so much the last 18 months with separation anxiety.  He has worked SO hard and has overcome and persevered and has gained such life skills in the meantime.  Did I say how proud I am of him???

His buddy Blake was there as well as all his neighborhood friends and all his xfit friends.  We realized how unbelievably connected we are to this community and how blessed we are to live where we do.

Congratulations Liam.  This is a BIG day!!!

Liam's Birthday

Liam has been looking forward to his 6th birthday since Skyler's birthday last May.  He had to patiently wait for Presley's and Daddy's birthdays to pass!  His day started with balloons in his room and a special birthday breakfast.  He opened his presents from us after and was excited to get some cool new clothes and a giant Ninja Turtle lego set.  He spent the morning working on his legos and then headed to his friends Kate and Leia's to play for a couple hours while mom finished up the last touches on his birthday party.  From 4-6 he had his party at Pump it Up with all his buddies.  I have never seen so many kids with sweaty, wet heads!!!  After an hour and half of jumping, we headed to the party room for pizza and cake.  Liam sat in the King's chair and looked happy as could be.  He LOVED his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cake and the energy in the room EXPLODED about 7 minutes after the kids finished their dessert!  

Happy Birthday Liam!  Is is really possible that you are already 6???

Leif's Birthday

I so wanted to be the perfect wife - the one that could "do it all" - have a baby, lose the weight, breast feed like it was easy as pie, play with Liam and Skyler on demand, and, most importantly, have the energy to show Leif how much I adore and appreciate him on his birthday!  The plan was to wake up and shower him with love and attention - making sure he felt like he was my first priority.  I was going to make him breakfast in bed, give him a back massage, support him in going to crossfit, take him to lunch with the kids, and then have a whole romantic evening to ourselves.

Reality check - we had a baby 12 days ago.  Breasfeeding is not easy.  We are not getting much sleep despite the fact that this newborn is nearly perfect in every way.  I feel guilty about not having enough time for Liam and Skyler.  We discovered a lump in my breast in the hospital and have been waiting to get an ultrasound to make sure it is nothing to worry about.  And then, to top it all off - I woke up on Leif's birthday with mastitis.  I was in so much pain that all I could do was sob to Leif.  It was worse than the c-section.  I literally could not touch my chest without bursting into tears.

And so, I ended up at the doctors that morning for antibiotics, sleeping all afternoon while Ted and Stephanie watched the kids, not going to lunch, not showering Leif in love and attention, and pretty much failing in all I had set out to do.  With one exception - we were able to go to dinner that night, drink some wine, and have a really good time (until 8:30 when I fell soundly asleep).

Happy Birthday Leif.  I feel so incredibly blessed that we are celebrating your birthday together this year - regardless of how the day went!  I love you with all my heart.

Presley's 6 Day Check-Up

Height: 20 inches (60%)
Weight: 6 lbs 5.5 ounces (already back to birth weight!) (15%)
Head Size: 13.75 (45%)

For comparison, Skyler was exactly the same at 12 days old:

Height: 20 inches
Weight: 6 lbs 5 ounces

Big bro / big sis

When asked what their favorite part of having a new sister was, the kids responded:

Skyler: "meeting the doctors"
Liam: "holding her for the first time"

Skyler is almost swim safe!

After a totally dysfunctional episode at Herron Island a few weeks back in which I again proved to anyone within ear shot that I am completely incapable of coaching my children in sports, I enrolled Skyler in swimming lessons. For the record (and my honesty will only make me look bad but oh well), I held Skyler captive on a paddle board telling her that we were not going in until she showed me that she could jump in the water and not scream and panick. We stayed out there long enough for us both to get sunburned and for her to end up crying that she wanted to go home to Kirkland. Way to go Brie. Way to build your children's confidence and self-esteem. I am officially banning myself from any coaching and am taking the first step by admitting that I am the world's worst mom-coach. 

The only good thing about this story (other than that kids are resilient - thank God!), is that Skyler is just about swim safe and is loving her swim lessons. We have had a great week with lots of quality mom-daughter time since LJ has been in golf camp each morning. I give her another week before she can pass the swim test!  Way to go Skyler!!  

Random Herron Island side trip

On our way to Herron Island today, we discovered a random carnival on the side of the road just past Key Center. Although we were in a hurry to catch the 3 o'clock ferry, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to let the kids ride on a few rides and eat a snow cone. It was a quick trip but well worth it!  Both kids even caught a trout!

Rapunzel hair

I received this picture from Leif this morning. I was already at work am he sent it saying: "Skyler did her own hair for school this morning". I am a little concerned with the freedom he is giving the kids in the morning (Leif takes them to school in the morning and I pick them up in the afternoon). A few days ago, I picked Skyler up and her pants were on backwards. About a week ago, I picked her up and she was wearing tights only for pants. LOL. Oh well!