Poor little LJ

Our little boy has had a tough couple months!  It seems like one thing after the next yet he has handled it all in stride and has proved to be so extraordinarily resilient!  He had been going through a stage where he was experiencing extreme (understatement) separation anxiety. And I mean extreme. He would fret about going to school from the night before and would wake up panicked. He would not get dressed in the morning because "that means I have to be away from you."  After a panic attack one Sunday morning before church we decided enough is enough (for all of us). I felt beside myself in sadness as it seemed so unfair that a 5 year old would be experiencing this. We started going to a cognitive therapist who assured Leif and I that most of what we were doing was right on track. But that was what was so confusing. I felt like Leif and I were handling it as well as we could possibly handle it, yet it wasn't making things better. And yet, after only two visits, things started changing, Liam's confidence visibly grew and now here we are, 6 weeks later and it is literally a non-issue. Liam even calls himself brave and understands that being brave is not the same as not being scared. It means being scared and doing it anyway. What life skills he is learning!  When Skyler had to get a shot the other day, LJ encouraged her to be brave like him. And when we prayed the other night Skyler says "thank you God for taking the silly thoughts out of Liam's head."  Good thing Liam finds Skyler hilarious!  He is truly her best audience. 

Once we got through that, LJ had an asthma attack at Herron Island!  We were up at 4am thinking we would have to do an emergency ferry ride to the mainland. He was struggling to get his breath and Leif out him in a hot shower and the steam opened up his lungs. We followed up the Monday later and his Oxygen levels were still very low. He had two breathing treatments and was sent to get allergy tested. Turns out, he has a severe allergy to dust mites!
Only a hours after the asthma attack, he was stung by a bee!
And then, just this last week, I picked him up from school early where I found him laying on the floor. He had a 103.6 fever and started throwing up a few hours later   I quarantined him in his room and he was running a fever off and on for 2 days. We are just getting through that now and I am grateful no one else got it. 
Poor thing and yet he is running around this morning as if nothing ever happened!  He is off to Lego camp today and there has not been any sign of nervousness. I am so grateful!

Her Ladyship

Leif's new nickname for Skyler is "Her Ladyship". We have clearly been watching too much Downton Abby!!!  She cracked me up the other day as she re-hashed the story of her getting in "big time trouble" for going over to our neighbors house after Leif had told her "no". I said "it's not okay to disobey daddy". And she says: "yes....very,VERY disappointing. Ha ha. She's 4. 

This family couldn't do it without him!

I know this blog is for the kids and I rarely post about Leif and I but I need to recognize him for all that he has done lately to make this family better.  Leif has had SO much on his plate lately.  A full time job, and a job search for something even better.  Starting his own consulting business, working on a side project, interviewing with different companies, including Google (which is no easy interview process).  All so that we can find some peace before this baby comes and to support us so that my working becomes more of a bonus as opposed to a necessity.  On top of the IMMENSE work load, he manages to care for and support his very uncomfortable pregnant wife (who is not the most emotionally stable thing these days!) and give his kids the love and attention they so crave from him.  And that after being horribly sick for an entire week.

He is an inspiration to me and makes me a better wife and mom just watching him juggle so much.

We had a family day yesterday that was so needed and so nice.  This family laughs a lot together.  So many times where we were all bent over grabbing our stomachs - usually because of something Skyler says or does...she loves the spot light and cracks her brother up which only makes Leif and I laugh harder.  We bought a baseball mit for Liam and the boys played in the rain.  Liam went to bed with it on his hand.  He LOVED it. 

Leif had worked so hard on Saturday and Sunday I was amazed at the energy he still had for us on Monday.  It meant so much.  Thank you honey.  You make my life so much better.

Skyler's 4 Year Old Check Up

Skyler received another A+ at her check up today and exhibited such bravery around getting her shot.  She became very quiet when she heard that she had to get one but when it came time to actually do it, she held out her arm and watched them do it.  She said "ouch" and that was that.  We went for ice cream after and she was excited to tell her daddy how brave she was (and also to show him the snoopy band aid).  Her stats were as follows:

Height: 37.5 inches (25%)
Weight: 37 lbs (55%)

God's Teddy Bear

So I had one of those moments today when everything in life felt peaceful and perfect.  When I was overwhelmed with a sense that all was right in the world and that I was doing exactly what I should be doing.  I picked up the kids from school and we were driving home.  The cottonwood trees are in full bloom and there was cotton flying all around Juanita village - it practically looked like it was snowing.  Liam looks out his window and says:

Liam: "It's God's teddy bear again!!!" 

Me: "What do you mean, God's teddy bear?

Liam: "I think God's teddy bear got ripped and the inside part is floating down on all of us."

Ummm....how can you not just want to freeze time in those moments and let all the joy of having kids sink into your bones!

Skyler's bad boo boo

She was running full speed in flip flops and went down hard. Poor little thing.

Skyler's Rapunzel Birthday Bash!

Our little girl is 4!!! I cannot believe it. I know it's the cliche thing to say but WHERE DID THE TIME GO???!!?! It was so fun this year because he is so aware an opinionated about what was to happen on her birthday. She had all her friends picked out ("no boys except for Liam"), her theme (Rapunzel), her hair style (a braid with flowers in it), her dress (first Rapunzel costume then long dress), her desired presents (too numerous to list), her cake (Rapunzel cake with strawberries), her crown, the balloons,, her shoes, and on and on. She counted down the days to her party from 14 nights on and would sometimes be so disappointed when she was off by a day or night. All the girls came to our house around 10 and we packed up our two cars and my mom's car and headed to see the play Rapunzel at the Kirkland Performing Arts Center. They were so cute and excited though not a single one of them knew what to expect. They were all so good during the show (snacks from Grandma made all the difference). When the show was over, the actresses asked where the birthday girl was and the entire theatre (150 people) sang Happy Birthday to her! She was basking in it and couldn't believe they knew her name! We came back to the house for lunch and cake and the girls played until parents came to pick them all up. Both kids ended up napping after all the excitement - Skyler actually went upstairs and was asleep before anyone knew she was gone! Mom and dad needs naps too but it was so worth the effort. I know she felt so loved and appreciated.

Our Announcement

This is the picture Leif posted to FB. Funny that FB is the new way to announce your bug events to the world! 54 "likes" and 16 "comments" later and now all our friends know. I love this picture - Skyler was so excited to take it with me. She is so precious! She's gonna be such a good big sister. She kept telling me she wanted to change the baby's diaper until I told her that meant she would have to whip the baby's bottom. Now she has decided that feeding the baby her bottle is more her style! Liam told me he would take the night shift so I am pretty much not at all worried about those first few months. Sounds like the kids have got it under control!

Summer came early!

The last time summer came this early was four years ago! I remember because it rained right up to Skyler's birth and then turned sunny for almost 6 months straight!!! Lets just hope this is summer is a repeat of 2009! The kids literally played in the blow up pool for 5 hours today with all their neighborhood friends. Leif and I sat on the deck wondering what we did to deserve such a good life!


10 days in sunny Arizona to visit grandpa and grandma Stephie! What a great trip we had - taken care of the entire time! It was so nice to be spoiled in the sun with daily pool time, bike riding, golf cart rides, patio time, wonderful food courtesy of Stephanie (I wish I could whip together meals like that!), sleeping in (relatively speaking) and even some quality couple time thanks to Ted and Stephanie's constant attention to our kiddos! We got to go to the big pool at Lifetime Fitness and the kids went to the zoo and LOVED it. I had a pedicure at Red Door, Skyler had a pedicure with grandma....i even had time to sit and read my book - such a luxury. The flights were easy as pie and so worth it! Thank you Ted and Stephanie for your hospitality and love. We felt it for sure! (More pics to come as soon as I download them!)