The Bert Reynolds Trail

I took my first run with Liam today - well...almost.  He rode his bike and I ran.  We started at the Wayne Golf Course and ran towards Woodinville on the Bert Gilman (also known as the Bert Gillman).  At the mile and a half marker, we turned around.  Liam was so excited and kept commenting on how pretty it was.  He has started using the word certainly and was intertwining it in everything he would say.  "this is certainly the most beautiful day" "that is certainly the bridge" "I am certainly faster than you."  I did not know if he would have the energy to go that far, but he most certainly did!

The tree of good and evil...

Apparently, Skyler told Leif today that she wants to eat the apple from the tree of good and evil and then hide from God! Ummm...I guess I am glad she is listening when we play the Jesus stories but I am pretty sure she has completely missed the moral point! It's not about snack time and hide and seek Skyler!!!

Leif and I went out for uncle Mike's birthday tonight and left the kids with Lisa. This is the picture she sent us - right before they were supposed to go to sleep! I am a little concerned...

Skyler's 3 year old checkup

Height: 36.25 (20%)

Wight: 33 (50%)
Healthy healthy! (but she was actually 3 years, 3 months old!)

Liam's 5 year old check up

Height: 42.75 (50%)
Weight: 42 lbs (70%)

Healthy healthy!

Skyler the gardener.

Skyler and Grandma Stephie worked hard this summer on their plot in the Herron Island community garden. So cute!

Liam's first fish!

Liam and Grandpa went fishing today and Liam caught his first fish! A bullhead.


Liam bonked his eye really bad! He fell off a chair in the bathroom. But he's a trooper and a survivor.

Liam passes the swim test!

Liam and Skyler took swim lessons this week at CAC. They closed the pool on Wed, so the rest of the lessons were at JHS. On the last day Liam said he could pass the swim test... and he was right! So proud of my boy.

...oh and Skyler had a blast too! She loves the water and is more confident everyday. She'll jump in all by herself. Got to keep an eye on that one.

Young Falcon goes to bible camp with Grandma Stephie

Liam had the best week ever with his grandma at bible camp. Grandma Stephie came into town and took Liam to camp each day. Liam was given the name "Young Falcon". He made crafts, sang songs, learned about God's love and played with the other kids (non he knew before). We played the music CD they gave him and Liam knew all the songs.

Thank you Grandma for the wonderful week!

Morning Chalk Time

I am transitioning between firms right now so had a slow morning that I decided to spend with the kids instead of going into the office.  They were up early and wanted to get into the chalk.  As usual, my first thought is "oh no....the mess!"  But, I am trying my best to ignore those thoughts and embrace the inevitable mess that goes along with having a three and four year old in my house!  It was so warm this morning and we spent a good hour playing in the front driveway creating pictures and obstacle courses!  The kids were so happy and really, what else matters??