Skyler's 2 year old check up

Height 33.25 - 50%
Weight 26.55 lbs - 50%

In comparison to Liam at age 2:

Height: 35.5 - 90%
Weight: 29.7 lbs - 70%

To the Moon and Back

I sometimes ask the kids if they know how much I love them. I respond by telling them I love them to "the moon and back!" It is from a story called "Guess How Much I Love You" that we often read before bedtime. Tonight as I was putting Skyler to bed she said "I love you mommy, to the moon and back." I actually think my heart fell on the floor.

Skyler's Baptism

I don't know what my favorite part was about Skyler's baptism. It could have been her ADORABLE dress (and her telling me that she was a princess when we put it on her), or Liam's excitement to get his suit on when he saw how pretty Skyler looked, or Skyler looking up to the alter and saying "there's Jesus", or her singing "twinkle twinkle little star" through the Eucharist. It could have also been Leif's proud smile as he held Skyler up in the air after she was placed in the Holy Water or Skyler yelling from the front pew - "I wanna get dunked!!!" It really did turn out to be even more special than I had anticipated. My dad and Mary came into town and Ted and Stephanie too. Liam was right up with us the entire time and did extraordinarily well given that he did not nap! Congratulations Skyler bear!

Easter time

Well - if I were being 100% honest, I would tell you that our Easter was comprised of melt down after melt down (both kids and parents). Whoever said pictures never lie was full of it!

God lives where???

We have been talking a lot about God and heaven in the past couple weeks because of Boomer's death. :( I have to admit, it has been somewhat of a round a bout conversation with little Liam. I think 3 is a little young to fully comprehend death and God and heaven and all that goes with it. He asked me if Grandma walked Boomer to heaven. I said no and he was very confused on how Boomer got there. So, I told him that Jesus walked him to heaven. Now he keeps telling me that Jesus took Boomer for a walk and that is where Boomer is. Then yesterday Liam asked me where God lived. I tried to explain that God was "everywhere." He nodded as though he fully comprehended what I was saying.

Then today he told me, in a very matter a fact manner, that God lives in "Everett." Ha ha....
We will miss Boomer terribly. He was such a wonderful dog and his patience with and love of the kids would be hard to duplicate. We love you Boomer.

Funny, sweet Skyler

Two stories that I have to jot down before I forget.

This morning, Liam was sitting at the breakfast table eating when I brought Skyler down. She was sleepy and adjusting but took one look at Liam and said "hello Liam" - it was so Newman from Seinfeld I had to laugh. As though she was saying "hello my nemesis...we meet again..."

Then tonight, I told her it was time to go to sleep and as I carried her upstairs, she began to me! She sang the "Night Night Song" which is the same song that Stephanie used to sing to Leif when he was a little boy but instead of saying "night night night, my little Skyler girl...", she sang "night night night, my little mommy girl".

Skyler's First Swim Lesson - Old Hat for Liam...

I took the kids to swim lessons today to try out a new place that has come highly recommended - Safe n Sound Swim. Within 2 minutes, Liam's swim teacher had him in his goggles and going under water. Thank God Skyler's first lesson went better than Liam's - remember that? He screamed the entire time. This time, the only commotion was when Liam would see Skyler (they each had their own instructor) and Liam would start trying to tell Skyler's teacher that Skyler didn't know how to go under yet! He was so panicked about letting SKyler's teacher know this that it took away from his lesson but how could I possibly complain. He really does look out for her!


Oh how we all loved the sun on our backs in Arizona! We went for a whole week and I think I could have stayed for another couple. Aside from a small bump at the airport (plane was delayed and I might have made everyone get there 3 hours early on accident), everything about the trip was easy! Whether it was sitting on the patio, swimming in the pool, drinking margaritas in the sun, eating Stephanie's wonderful homemade meals, we had it all. We had kid time, couple time, and girl time! Liam and Skyler could be happy all day long just walking in and out of the house, crawling in and out of the golf cart, reading books on the couch with Stephie, playing in the garage with Grandpa, swimming at the club pool or the neighbors! The pictures tell the story but here are a few of my favorites:

  • Going to the Mariners game with Ted, Leif and Liam and Liam catching a fly ball!
  • Taking a long run with Stephanie (she said we were going to go 2 miles and we went at least 4.5!)
  • Anniversary date with Leif - spa, massage, cocktails, dinner, and a movie!
  • Ted's margaritas (of course)
  • Laying out in the sun reading a book watching the kids play in the pool
  • Crossfit Fury - a gym Leif and I found that is 5 minutes away!

Best Buddies

Leif and I sat on the couch last night watching the kids chase each other around the house. They were both laughing hysterically and even though it was loud and chaotic there was a sense of peace in the house! Skyler looked back to see how close Liam was getting when she ran smack into the island in the middle of the kitchen. Liam stopped abruptly and said "are you okay Skyler???" Skyler turned around wimpering and reached up towards Liam. He threw his arms around her and held her - kissing her head three or four times - and telling her over and over, "its okay." When he let go of her, she turned around and they started a new game of chase.

Leif and I just looked at each other in awe. We had done nothing but witness the whole thing. Leif said "see honey, we are doing a good job." :)