Celebration Number 2 - Christmas Eve!

What a special Christmas Eve. But first, let me back up! Ted and Stephanie came into town on Monday and have spent the last four days here with us and the kids. My mom was here Monday and Tuesday as well and we LOVED having all the family at our house. It felt so warm and cozy and the kids just adored having their grandparents surrounding them! We shared many dinners together and Leif and I even got out for a date night on the 23rd.

Christmas Eve was so special. Keith and Mary Ellen came into town and Mike and Kerry came over as well. We started the celebration off in the same way we have the last couple years - with glasses of excellent Pino Noir courtesy of Uncle Ki Ki. We BBQ'd steaks for dinner and had cookies for dessert. Skyler couldn't hold on for presents after dinner so went to bed early, only to wake back up in the middle of the chaos to join in the fun. The pictures speak to the excitement they felt.
We set out cookies and milk for Santa and all went to bed happy and grateful for all that we are blessed with!

Celebration Number 1

We started celebrating Christmas this evening with my mom and Aunt Chris (before they left for California) and my cousins Sean and Yuko. We set out to make it simple and fun and that's exactly what it was. We had enchiladas and wine and enjoyed each other's company. Liam and Skyler loved every last minute of it, especially opening up presents!

Snowflake Lane

I can honestly say "I don't think it could get any better than tonight!" 4pm on a Thursday and because I was home and Leif worked an early day, we were able to pack up the kids and head out to see Santa at Bel Square. With grandma leading the way (and mommy lagging behind as she window shopped), we made our way to Santa's house where there was only a 10 minute wait. The kids looked adorable - Skyler is her pretty red dress and Liam in his green and red shirt. Liam was ready - he rehearsed what he was going to say to Santa in the car. He marched straight up to him and demanded a "piano." He told Santa he was a good boy too. Skyler was unsure of the whole ordeal - she definitely preferred "Fanta" from a distance but did not cry when she sat on his lap - just did not look entirely comfortable either and wouldn't say a word.

Leif and my mom took Liam to the Microsoft store while Skyler and I did a little shopping. There was a new game for the Kinect that teaches you how to dance. The employee who was showing everyone how to do it asked Liam if he wanted to play. 3 songs later and we couldn't get Liam off center stage. He had drawn a huge crowd of people who were all watching in delight as the 3 year old tried to dance like Lady Gaga (he did a lot better than most could have!)
After the mall, we walked over to Pagliacci afterwords for pizza and beer. Leif and Liam drew all the different characters from the cars movie while I followed Skyler around the restaurant...
As we walked out of Pagliacci, we checked the time and it was 6:59 - one minute before Bellevue Way magically turned into Snowflake Lane. We raced over to the street and made it just as the drummers started banging away. There was Frosty, Rudolph and princesses dancing their way up and down the street while snow fell from the sky. Liam started dancing and Skyler held on tight to me - both wide eyed as the production rolled by!
It was such a fun night and so magical to watch it all threw the kids' eyes. I seriously LOVE having children!

High Five!

Skyler picked up here doll tonight and said "high five" and then proceeded to give the doll a high five. Laughing again as I write this. I really think she needs some girlie things for Christmas as she is quite the tomboy these days - her favorite book lately is "my Daddy's Toolbox." I am also convinced that she thinks all toys in the house belong to Liam... Although, she has no trouble asserting her right to play with them!

Thanksgiving 2010

Scott and Nathalie arrived at 3:30 today to snowy Seattle. Most of the snow from the last couple days had melted making it easy for Leif and Grandma to pick up Scott and Nathalie at the airport today at 3:30. Turkey dinner (thank you Metropolitan Market), the kids and I anxiously awaited their arrival. We had a wonderful dinner together with so much to be thankful for! A few off the top of my head:

Healthy families on both sides
Amazingly supportive and giving grandparents
Adorable, hilarious and brilliant children
An incredible community of friends
Flexible jobs
Travel to Arizona and Hawaii this year
A beautiful Herron Island summer
Our new deck and comfortable home
Snow in Seattle
So much more...
We had such a wonderful visit with Scott and Nathalie - easy and relaxed the entire time. The kids already miss them as both were so fun to be around. We spent a few days in Seattle and even had an adults night out to The Parlor and a movie. Scott, Nathalie and my mom went out to Herron for a couple days and then came back on Monday to celebrate Scott's birthday at Cactus. Kids were so great and I really think Scott felt special - his favorite ice cream cake, apple TV and all!

Snow in Seattle

On weeks like this one, just before Thanksgiving, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! It snowed for 2 days straight - enough to keep us up on our hill. We took full advantage with sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and snowballs. We walked down and up the hill a few times - Liam loved to run and slide down. Then we would end up pulling the kids back up in the snow. Skyler loved it till her hands got cold and then she wanted warm milk!

After Skyler and I went in, Leif and Liam stayed out for another hour and a half sledding over and over down our driveway. We could here them laughing from inside....so much fun!

Mom and Liam's First Trip Together

Liam and I headed off to Arizona this weekend for a mommy and me trip! Well, that is to say, the flight was mommy and me. Once we landed in Arizona, it was definitely a Grandpa and Stephie and me trip! We had a great time hanging out in the sun - Liam's every possible need was catered to and he was spoiled rotten - rightly so! His favorite part (according to him) was flying the shark kite which Grandpa found on the side of the road on his way home from church! So funny! He flew it for hours! Aside from that, he got a new bike which he very quickly learned how to ride, he played golf, he "went fishing", played with his friend Blake and had all kinds of fun! So did I...especially taking runs, relaxing with a book, and hanging out by the pool!

Leif, Skyler and my mom stayed back and also had an incredibly relaxing weekend. Apparently no one ever denied Skyler a book! She was in heaven with the attention but I think happy to have her mommy back!

Liam and Dad Kinect

Today... Leif got up at 6:30 to head to Fred Meyer to buy an Xbox Kinect. The store opened at 7 and by 7:05, they were all gone - but he got one.

Liam's ski lesson was today, followed by Mod Pizza and then Kinectimals on the Xbox.

Liam loved playing with the virtual tiger cubs - making them jump, play dead and fetch. Super cute! Leif of course loved the new gadget. More Kinect fun tonight as Mom heads to her work dinner.

Papa and Nana come for a visit!

Papa and Nana came for their yearly Halloween visit this weekend. It was so good to see them. It was a low key weekend as the kids and I were still recovering from colds. Lots of reading, wrestling, jumping off the couches and watching football...

Happy Halloween!

2 kids parties, 1 adult party, 3 colds, 1 stomach flu and one night of trick or treating...WE DID IT! Happy Halloween 2010!