Liam's 3 year old check up!

Our little man is so active, he has lost weight - down from the 90% to the 50%, Liam now weighs 34 pounds and is 37.75 inches (also the 50%). He received an A+ and a flu shot. Daddy took him to his appointment and Liam told me that he was very "brave" when he got home.

"Look at your daughter..."

Whenever Skyler does one of her crazy stunts - whether it be climbing up on to the playset, hanging on the rings at the gym, standing up on the couch and threatening to jump off, or attempting to jump down the stairs after her brother - Liam will say to us in the most adult sounding voice he can muster, "Look at your daughter..." It makes me crack up every time.

He is also teaching Skyler to talk. Every time we are in the car, he goes through word after word after word with her.

Liam: Say "daddy"
Skyler: "daddy"
Liam: good job! Can you say "mommy"?
Skyler: "mommy"
Liam: good job! Can you say "Liam"?
Skyler: "eeyo"
Liam: "good try!"

Liam's First Ski Lesson

I am not sure what made me happier today - watching Liam take his first ski lesson, or watching Leif's face as he watched Liam on skis. Both were priceless.

The lesson started out a little shaky - Liam was apprehensive to let Leif leave his side. The instructor let Leif slide down the carpet with him a few times until Liam got comfortable enough to let him get off the conveyor belt. The instructor joked around with Liam as he taught him the pizza wedge - they discussed what kind of pizza they liked best and kept throwing pieces for daddy to eat. When they got to the bottom, Liam would push the button and they would fly back up the carpet....pretty funny and ingenious at the same time.
He did awesome. Skyler watched closely from the sidelines taking it all in for her lessons which start in a year!
We had pizza at MOD pizza afterwards - our new Thursday night routine...

Skyler's 16.5 month check up...

Healthy and growing, Skyler is now 30.5 inches tall (45%) and 22 pounds 5.5 ounces (30%) with a head size of 18.5 (75%). She is the best little baby at the doctors. Leif took her to this appointment and he said she didn't even cry from her shots!

Skyler reading...

We never thought we would ever have a child that likes books as much as Liam but he has definitely met his match. This is how I found Skyler this morning when I came downstairs. I swear, I have pictures of Liam at 16 months in the EXACT same position...

Liam's First Day of School!

Well, I am calling today Liam's "official" first day of school since I got the days mixed up last week and he ended up going late last Wednesday. Sometimes I seriously wonder how I made it through law school and into the corporate world when I can't even keep my first born's school schedule straight. Needless to say, we were off to a shaky start however, today made up for it. Liam was SO excited to get his backpack on this morning and head off to Montessori School. He told us that "Montessori School's cool" and told Skyler that "she couldn't go till she was bigger like him." I dropped him off and after hanging his jacket and backpack on his hanger, he was off and running. He gave me a kiss good bye and that was that. As Leif said - "we did it." We have a secure little boy and a secure mommy. I felt so good.

Jessica picked him up from school a few minutes ago and this is the text I received from her:

"I just picked up Liam from school and he is happy. He said it was "good" and that he ate muffins. He said he couldn't play outside because it rained but that he played music and ran around. Skyler keeps telling me "I pooped."

Labor Day...

The last of our Herron Island 2010 weekends has come to pass. We are sad but ready ourselves for Fall carrying wonderful memories of summertime!

The MacDonald's come for a visit...

Jen, Matt and Audrey came for a visit this weekend and we all went out to Herron for more island fun....

Liam's Birthday

Liam woke up this morning to a HUGE bundle of balloons (aside from guitars, his favorite thing!). Once he realized it was HIS birthday and no longer daddy's, he immediately asked for his Lightning Guitar...I had told him he could have it for his birthday. Let's just say, its been 3 days now and he has not put the thing down. Its the first thing he asks for in the morning and the last thing we put away at night. He alternately sits by himself and strums it and stands on "stage" and performs with it.
We had his open house at school to go to in the morning which he enthusiastically embraced. He is going to LOVE Montessori school - it was like brain explosion with all the toys and activities. I am really excited for him.
We spent our day with Grandpa, Stephie and Grandma and Liam was in absolute heaven. We had fish tacos for dinner with the family and then his best buddies - Blake, Casper, Beckham and Christian came for cake and ice cream. Liam did so incredibly well with all the attention and excitement. I really think he had a GREAT 3rd birthday.
Happy birthday my precious boy!

Leif's Birthday/New Deck Party

Like I said in the invitation to Leif's birthday party - "a lot of sweat and tears went into it but now we get to party on it!" We had about 25 people over for Leif's birthday on Saturday. The weather cooperated and we spent most of the night out on our new deck which I admire every time I step onto it. Leif did an absolutely AMAZING job and our view is incredible. His birthday party was one of the most fun I can remember - good friends, Ted's tacos (which were a HUGE hit), lots of laughs and little ones running every which way. We both went to bed feeling so incredibly blessed to have each other, our kids, our family, our friends and our home.

Church the next morning was not easy - both Leif and I might have had a little too much fun the night before! After church, Ted and Stephanie came in to babysit and Leif and I went out for some much desired alone time. We got massages, hit up happy hour at Trellis and then saw a movie. We had planned on after movie drinks and dessert but were absolutely exhausted!