The best of friends

We were on our way to workout this morning and Skyler was having a tough time sitting still. She had been fussing for a few minutes when suddenly she stopped. About a minute later I realized it was quite and looked back to see what on earth was going on. Liam and Skyler were holding hands. Now, everytime we drive anywhere, they hold hands.

Could there be anything more adorable???
Even though the flash failed on these pictures, I loved the way they were snuggling on the couch - they really are becoming good friends...

Herron Island Summer Fun

We had such a good time this last weekend at Herron Island. I know I have said this before but it truly is my heaven. The minute I see the water, I feel as though the world lifts from my shoulders. That coupled with the kids giggling and screaming as we go up and down the hills on Herron Blvd right before the ferry landing makes me smile inside out.

We have such a good routine going. We sleep at my moms and the kids are both sleeping in the same room now. They love it. Skyler goes down first and then Liam and I read books in "mommy and daddy's bed" and then we sneak in to the bedroom and watch Skyler sleep. Then we crawl into Liam's bed and he is usually out within minutes. In the morning, I usually find Liam in Skyler's crib and them both giggling at each other. After breakfast at my mom's, we take a hot tub. A little more playing and then Skyler goes down for her morning nap. At that point, either my mom or I walk Liam down the beach to Grandpa and Stephie's house. They have their beach all set up for the kids with a kiddie pool and toys, grandpa's boat, and of course, daddy's new boat. We usually hang out there until nap time which is back at Grandma's house since they nap better there. After nap, we head to whichever house dinner is at and usually hang out there for the evening.
The kids absolutely love it too. Skyler, who can walk on the rocks no problem now, just explores and looks at rocks, eats a little sand here and there, and watches her brother carefully, taking everything in. Liam is 200 miles an hour pushing, pulling, climbing, boating, tubing, swimming, and everything else a kid would want to do. He can be entertained for hours on end just pushing and pulling the tube in and out of the water.
The kids and I went out on Thursday and Leif joined us on Saturday. He was home building an enormous extension to our deck and I absolutely love it. It makes me not want to leave the house and just entertain every night. Weather has been in the 90's which just adds to the fun.

I can't get away with ANYTHING!

I was so tired last night as I read Liam his books before bed. I try so hard to cherish this time with him as I know, when he is 16, I will kill to have him laying next to me, cuddling and reading books! But, as all moms (and dads, especially Leif) know, there are times when all you want to do is crawl into your own bed, close your eyes and fall asleep. Last night was one of those times but Liam likes 2 books (okay, 3) every night. As he picked out the third book, I silently prayed it would not be "Marley and the Kittens" as I think we have probably read that one 100 times since Monday. And, its LONG! Of course, this is the one he wanted.

Trying to be sneaky, I tried skipping a few lines. "No mommy", he said, "you forgot the part about Marley's head out the window." "Oh, your right, I did," I said.

A few pages later, I tried to skip a page. He wasn't having that either. "No mommy, you missed a page." "Oops" I said, "you're right (darnit!)".

Then I tried to be really sneaky and read it but skip over random sentences here and there. He said "No mommy, that's not how it goes." I said, "oh really, how does it go?" And he reads it to me perfectly.

Honestly, I can't get away with anything anymore! Mr. Smartypants!

Skyler LOVES horses!

Uh ohhh! Skyler looked like a real natural today on the carousel. We went to the zoo for Blake's birthday and the kids got free carousel rides. Liam, of course, loved it and could have done it over and over and over. Every time we passed Leif he'd say "HI DADDY!!!!!" So excited.

Skyler, dressed in her little purple dress, took the word "adorable" to a whole new level. I watched Leif's heart melt as little Skye cruised passed him with a HUGE smile on her face waving her hand like a pageant star. Everyone outside of the carousel rink was saying "look at the baby....ahhhhh!" She would then bounce up and down and scream with delight. It was so ridiculously cute we didn't stop smiling all day.

Bathtime stories

Liam and Skyler were taking a bath together tonight when all the sudden Liam got a suspicious look on his face. I quickly asked if he had to go to the bathroom and he responded "it's ok mommy, I'm just making the water more warm!". Poor Skyler! Although i'm sure she's done it to him 100 times!

Swimming boy

Liam had swim lessons again today. What a ways he has come. He was actually so excited to go today that he put his swim trunks on first thing after he woke up - this is. Big deal considering that the only thing the child will ever agree to wear is his jeans and rock n roll shirt. Here is a video of him jumping off the diving board.

Skyler remains at a safe distance doing sign language for "bath" over and over.

Liam's memory

Liam has been freaking me out lately with his ability to remember everything! He can read you books after they have only been in the house for a few days and he is constantly saying "remember when" this or that. He will repeat songs that the has only heard once or twice and can remember stories I told him months ago.

Skler's pig tails

I was finally able to put Skyler's hair in pig tails this weekend. She actually looked like a little toddler so I quickly pulled them out - I am not ready for my little baby to turn into a toddler!!!

Watermelon gas

Liam was out on the deck this evening and he squatted down and looked like he was going to have an accident in his pants. I asked him if he had to poo in which he responded "no mom, that was just watermelon gas."

July 4th!

The pictures tell the story but we had a great time this July 4th with my brother and Samir! It was fun to watch Liam carefully studying his older cousin and Skyler trying to keep up with them both!