Skyler's signs and words

I wish I knew more sign language because Skyler picks it up like crazy. She can sign for milk, more, eat, sleep, please, bath and all done. She is talking too - walks around the house carrying on nonsense conversations with herself. She can say mamma, dadda, up, hot (when she sees a coffee cup), and ball. She tries to say a lot more but those are the only ones I can comprehend at this point.

She is my little cuddlier - she will walk right up to me and just plop down on my lap. Tonight I even read her books before bedtime instead of feeding her a bottle...just like her brother! She is growing up too fast!!!

Liam's first movie!

Grandma took Liam to his first movie today. He was so excited with his Buzz Light Year t- shirt and jeans on. I wish I had been a fly on the wall watching him comment and make sound effects through the entire show. I guess they played 8 trailers before the movie and Liam would ask every time - "is Buzz LightYear next?". My mom said he did great until the cry end when he started to get tired. He came home excited to tell Leif and I all about it.

More teeth!

Skyler has broke her two front teeth and a third top tooth is really close. She is uncomfortable but handling it so well. She has also started grinding her teeth together which drives us crazy!

First Steps!

Well, it Leif and I vacationing in Maui for Skyler to take her first steps. Jessica captured the video! We will probably watch it 800 times before we get home!

He's growing up so fast!

This morning, Liam got up and out of bed by himself. Walked down stairs - pushed a chair up to the fruit bowl and grabbed a banana... Got off the chair (with banana) - peeled the banana and ate half of it before realizing he had to use the potty... Left the banana on the table and went to the bathroom all by himself!

Mother's Day in the Park

We had a wonderful Mother's Day in the park. The weather was beautiful and the kids were having a blast in it. We made some tuna sandwiches and the kids watched the Kirkland 1/2 Marathon volunteers take down their equipment.

Skyler's first birthday!

Well, we took the bait and through a big first birthday for Skyler. Just in case she doesn't remember, it was a strawberry shortcake theme - we had balloons, flowers, themed plates, cups, punch, dessert. Plaza Garcia came to the rescue and catered for us. We had 30 plus people and thank goodness it was a beautiful day! Skyler was a star.


As Liam took his nap today, Skyler and I got in a quick little workout. Really quick.