Liam is swimming!

He had a great day at swim lessons today. Mild panic this morning about it but really held it together. There was no crying in the pool. In fact, there was a new boy there who was losing it and Liam inched his way over to him on the side of the pool and said "its ok - look at my boo boo". Then he lifted his foot outside the water to try to show the little boy his cut.

He went off the diving board today too - but not before saying "Jessica, are you watching?" Such a performer.

PS: the kid crying in the background is not Liam!

"Oh NO! There's two of them!"

Skyler woke up at 5:45 this morning so we brought her in to our room to drink her bottle in hopes of getting just a few more minutes of sleep! She finished her bottle and then started pounding Leif's head with her hand and saying "up up up up." Her first word other than "mama" and "dada". Leif had just recently said that Skyler is always on a mission and it is so true. After this morning, he realized....oh no - I am living with two Bries.

Skyler's 1 year appointment...

Here are her stats at almost one year old...

Height: 29.5 (70%)
Weight: 20 lbs 7 ounces (50%)
Head size: 75%

For some reason, I don't have Liam's 12 month stats for comparison, but here are his 9 month ones...

Height: 30
Weight: 21.9
Head size: 105%

Adorable Conversations...

Leif: Do you want some bacon Liam?

Liam: No thanks daddy. Can I just have a little piece of yours?

Leif: Sure. Here you go.

Liam: Thanks.

Leif: I'm going to head upstairs.

Liam: Have a good day at work daddy!

I thought to myself - he is turning into such a sweet boy. And so grown up.

Then he pooped his pants. :)

Then, last night as we were driving home from dinner, he says this:

Liam: I have a secret for you mommy.

Brie: oh tell me!

Liam (whispering): I love you mommy.

Then, turning to sleeping Skyler in the car seat next to him, he says "I love you baby."

And just like that, I forgot about any 2 year old moments he has ever had!

Swimming Lesson #2

Well, it went a little better this morning. Although he did not cry the whole time, he repeated over and over for 45 minutes: "Mommy, are you going to stay with me? Is mommy going to stay with me? Mommy, stay with me. Mommy, are you going to stay? Is mommy staying?" I swear the other moms were looking at me like I was this horrible mother that deserts her children! Once it was over, he couldn't stop talking about how fun it was. I really don't get it!

New Classes

Jessica has been keeping the kids busy lately with things to do on rainy days! The pictures are of them at Great Play in Redmond where they had a blast playing, dancing, singing and doing acrobatics! Skyler joins right in!
Liam also started swimming lessons today and left me wondering why I was paying for him to scream in the pool for 45 minutes. The instructor made both Jessica and I leave the pool area because he wouldn't stop crying. We sat outside listening for 25 more minutes and I felt horribly guilty thinking "what have I done? He will be scarred for life!" Then, once the class was over, I walked back in, Liam ran over to me and said "that was fun mommy." Are you kidding me???

My beautiful babies...

I wish I could freeze frame and not let them get a day older!

Rock Star!

Ever since Uncle Mike gave him his first (Wiggles) guitar, Liam has been totally obsessed. I am sure watching Paladium (the music concert channel) with his dad has nothing to do with it. Check out his moves...