Christmas Eve 2010

This Christmas Eve was one of the most special Christmas Eve's I can remember. We had Ted, Stephanie, Mom, David, Mike, Kerry, Uncle Alan, Auntie Anita, Kayla, Chani, Aunt Chris, Sean, Yuko, and even Boomer and Molly for dinner. We turned it into a Mexican christmas - with margaritas, chips, salsa and enchiladas. So much fun! The highlight was when Uncle Alan busted out the guitar and started playing Christmas carols. Liam could not believe it - a real live rockstar (ok, Wiggle) in his house! He sat next to my mom and just stared. We were all getting such a kick out of his reaction that we almost failed to see little Skyler sitting on the floor bouncing up and down dancing. It was so cute - every time the music started she would just bounce. When the song was over, she would stop and look around like, "what happened???"

Although still not completely grasping the idea of Christmas, Liam was definitely aware of and loved the tree, the lights, the presents, and the fact that Santa was going to come and give him a light saber. Skyler just loved to look at the tree and the lights and put any ornaments she could reach straight into her mouth! Christmas is so much more fun with kids!


We hesitantly and nervously left the kids Thursday afternoon to head out to Mexico. My mom and David were in charge of getting them to Arizona - 3 hours on an airplane - certainly, no easy task! But Arizona and four grandparents would be in charge of our two precious babies for a whole week. And Leif and I, for the first time in 7 months, would get to sleep through the night, wake up slowly and quietly, relax poolside, and drink margaritas without worrying about midnight wake ups!

Mom, David and the kids made it to Arizona without a glitch. From what they told us, aside from a couple set backs due to no naps, the kids were in heaven! Spoiled by their grandparents the whole week long.

As for us, we exploited the fact that we had no kids and went overboard on the relaxation. We established a routine of getting up in the morning, laying in bed to drink coffee, going to the gym to workout, laying in the steam room (with cucumbers on our eyes and eucalyptus towels on our bodies), and then sitting by the pool, drinking and eating for the remainder of the day! We did not stop talking to each other for 3 days straight - it was the first uninterrupted conversations we had been able to have in months!

Gina and Alex came in on day two and we spent one absolutely crazy night downtown Cabo. It started at the hotel with two for one drinks, went on to La Cucina for dinner and more drinks, and then to Cabo Wabo for dancing, (more drinks), and live music. Had it not been for the horrendous hang over the next day, it would have been a perfect night. We had a blast!

Suddenly on day five, the kids started to weave themselves back into our conversations and my heart started to ache to hold them in my arms. We met them at the airport on our way back in and both kids were ecstatic - both to see us and to tell us about the trip to Arizona.

We are so thankful to the grandparents for taking on the kids for one week so that we could get away! It was the perfect getaway - just enough time to miss home and be excited to return!

Getting ready for Christmas...

We decorated the house today and put up Christmas lights. Liam desperately wanted to help his daddy on the roof. Skyler just couldn't believe how cold it was!

Guitar Hero...

Rock star in the making...need I say more???

Christmas Tree Lighting

We went down to Kirkland this evening to see the Christmas Tree being lit for the first time this winter. All was good as we pushed Skyler in her stroller and let Liam roam the carless streets sipping hot cocoa, listening to carolers and standing by the street fires. Things quickly went down hill however once we gathered amidst hundreds of others to see the tree lighting. Unfortunately, we were stuck in the middle of the crowd and instead of the tree being lit at 6pm as called for, they were running about 25 minutes late - about 5 minutes more than a two year old and a 7 month old can last. Liam ended up hysterically crying on top of Uncle Mike's shoulders saying "I want to see the Christmas Tree lights!" Everyone was laughing. Then Skyler proceeds to fill her diaper and the only place to change her was the ground in front of me. Her little buns must have froze during my 45 second diaper change. About 2 minutes before the tree was lit, Skyler absolutely lost it and we pushed our way through the crowd. Liam and Leif ran back just in time to see the big event as I fed Skyler on a bench away from the crowd and the tree.
As dad and mom got into the car, stressed out and exhausted from trying to "keep it together", blood pressure through the roof, Liam gets in his car seat and says . . . "that was awesome mommy."

So much to be thankful for...

We all went around the table to say what we were most grateful for this year and it is truly a reflection of our year! I couldn't remember everyone since we were trying to keep the kids mellow, but here's what I do remember:
Brie: of course, the birth of my daughter and the health of my children. And, of course, my husband who has been our foundation throughout the year.
Leif: his mother in law - Nancy - as she has selflessly given her love, time and unconditional devotion to our growing family. What would we have done without her??
Grandma Stephie: for being able to make it in time to say good bye to her father the Saturday before Christmas. She lost two parents this year and we all know Merritt is so much happier now with Marjorie by his side. And, as a bonus to us, we got to have Ted and Stephanie for Thanksgiving.
Kent: for his dad, Mark, who has been a really big support to him this year and has "helped him through a lot." How amazingly special that he recognizes this.
Travis: for a relatively stable year in terms of employment. How true. With so many people wondering day to day what their future holds, this is truly something to be grateful for in 2009.
Matiko: for being able to spend more time with "mom" (Aunt Chris). I second that!
Mom: for family and for the realization that it is truly your family that is always there for you in the end.
It was a wonderful Thanksgiving. We ordered the meal from the Metropolitan Market - 10 game hens, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green salad, green beans, fruit salad. I have to admit I felt guilty with all the food. It has inspired me to do more volunteering in 2010. We are so so so blessed.

Great Grandpa in Heaven

Merritt decided to "leave" this past Saturday at midnight. Leif had gone down to see him the week before and spent a very special few hours by his side, witnessing the priest do his last rights, and being with Keith whom he shares such a special relationship. Merritt was coherent enough to know that the whole family had come to be by his side. It truly was a special way to depart. And, we all know that he was happiest by Marjorie's side - always always confessing his undying love of her - and he can now be at peace with her.

We celebrated his life with a dinner party at our house. All the uncles were there and Alex too. It was a fun evening and a reminder that even though M&M are gone, we are still family and still remain tight.
The funeral was Monday and he was buried next to Marjorie. When you ask Liam where his great grandpa is, he says "he's in heaven" in the sweetest little voice.

Potty Training!!!

Privacy please mom. That is his new thing. He literally tells me to leave the bathroom because he "needs privacy." I can't believe how fast he is growing up!

Skyler's 6 Month Check Up

Well, the little girl continues to grow...and grow...and grow! She had her 6 month visit and received an A+. Her stats are below. I included Liams 6 month statistics as well so we can compare. He was in the 85% too when he was her age.


Height: 25.5 inches (50%)
Weight: 16 lbs 13 ounces (85%)
Head Size: 16.75 inches (50%)


Height: 27.5 inches (90%)
Weight: 19 lbs 11.5 ounces (85%)
Head Size: 18.5 inches (embarrasingly...99%)