Sitting up like a big girl...

Skyler and Liam can now play. She is sitting up and can reach into the toy box and grab what she wants. Everything still goes straight to her mouth so I am not ready to leave them alone for too long, but she watches him and he sits with her patiently and gives her toy after toy. I wish I could slow down time...


We were able to pull it all off today! With Papa being in town, we had help decorating our garage for the trick or treaters. We put up blue lights, pumpkins, a pumpkin snow man, fall leaves, a bowl of candy and, of course, hot chocolate and peppermint schnaps for the adults. We then decorated the house in fall fashion for our dinner party with Carsten, Chabree, Kirk and Amy. We had flank steak chili - the old standbye - which turned out great.

Trick or treating was a blast - the neighbors all rallied and had fun games for the kids and fun drinks for the adults. Liam did not really catch on to the whole "trick or treat" thing and demanded that he eat the first lolly pop he was given. Once that was in his mouth, he did not really concern himself with the rest of it until Spiderman scared him half to death. Skyler lasted until about 6:45 and then had seen enough. Leif and Liam continued on trick or treating and Papa and I headed home to put our little angel to sleep.
Once both kids were down, Leif and I headed out to the Cartwrights for a little adult time. We had a blast being out together, drinking beers and eating way too much candy. However, it was incredibly hard to take Leif seriously in his Spock costume and I spent most of the night laughing.
Home before midnight and the baby slept until 7:30am - THANK you Skyler!

Bastyr - St. John Vianney Seminary

Liam and his little buddy/neighbor, Blake, hung out non-stop over the weekend. We went up to Bastyr to go through Trick-or-Treat Lane but it was too muddy so Leif just showed us around the old seminary.

Blake and Liam play so well together - I can already see them cruzing at age 16....yikes!

Skye and Dad's Morning Routine

It's her new routine in the morning - she gets up early and reads the paper with dad!


Well, it was a rough weekend! We decided to pull the pacifier on Friday because our dentist told us Liam's teeth were beginning to spread. He seemed ready to do it so he and I took his pacies down to Juanita Beach and threw them to the fishies (I know, not the most environmentally friendly thing to do but there were only 4 of them...). I told him that the fishies would take them to the little tiny babies that needed them. For the rest of the weekend, he kept saying "those little tiny babies have my pacies." It was not easy for him and we tried, as much as possible, to acknowledge how difficult it was. I felt so sad - it was the first big loss he has experienced in his life. He did not realize that he could fall asleep without them, and the first day/night was really, REALLY, hard. He did not nap and cried for almost 2 hours that night. We would go in every 20 minutes or so and put him back in bed...he kept saying "I need my pacies!" It was heart breaking. At the two hour mark, after crying to my mom and Gina on the phone, I went in, picked him up and he passed out in my arms. Saturday was a little easier - he napped and I was excited only to find him with a pacifier in his mouth when I went in to wake him up (he had found one in his dresser). Saturday night he fell asleep on his own after dad read to him for an hour. He napped yesterday on his own and I think we are through it! Phew!

Bathtime ABC's!

Watch this video and see Liam showing off his ABC's.

Skyler - 5 months and cracking up

Video of Skyler laughing.

Yeah...she get's a kick out of her daddy already!

Skyler has to be the funniest little girl ever. She belly laughs every time you startle her. Playing peek-a-boo is literally the highlight of my day. She is so wonderful.