Liam taking requests at the backyard party...

However, he only knows Sublime, Slightly Stoopid, Pennywise and the Wiggles.

Swimmin Boy

We have been taking advantage of Mike's pool to endure the hot weather - 105 degrees. Liam is getting so comfortable in the water. He jumps of the side into his daddy's arms and, aside from the time they hit heads, absolutely LOVES it! Now when you mention Mike's name he says one of three things - "pool", "guitar" or "bike."

More Milestones

Today was a big day. Skyler is growing up, literally, in front of our eyes. Today she layed on her play mat for 30 minutes grabbing at her toys and rattles. She concentrates so hard - sticks out her tongue and reaches ever so carefully until she feels the rattle on her skin. Then she grabs hold of it and doesn't let go. It was so fun to watch. If I roll her to her tummy, she just rolls right back over to her back and smiles.

This evening while I was bathing her in the sink (Leif and Liam were out watering which has become their evening routine), Skyler started to laugh so hard. I was dying to get Leif and Liam in to see but the minute I yelled for them she, of course, stopped. It was the sweetest little sound though. She is trying so hard to talk as well - she uses her whole body to get out the tiniest little sounds.

Liam too is growing up so fast. Just the other night he was sitting in the pool with Grandma Mum Mum, myself and Leif and Leif asked him about the boat. Out of nowhere, Liam started to sing his first song - "row row row your boat." I had sung him that song about 100 times last weekend when Leif paddled us around the island in the kayak. It was the only way to keep him occupied for the last 20 minutes or so of the ride!

He is such a little man now. He is constantly asking his daddy or mommy to "watch" him do things. He says "Daddy, watch this" or "Mommy, watch this." He is very demanding too and says things like "Mommy, come here." I just love it.

And finally, Liam said "I love you" to both Leif and I as we said good night to him this evening. It was the first time he has said it and it sent the warmest feeling through both of us.

"Bun Over"

Well, I didn't catch the greatest shots of Skyler tonight but it was such a memory, I had to post the pictures anyway. I layed Skyler down next to Liam tonight as we were putting Liam to bed and he looks over at her and says "Bun Over Baby." Then he kissed her good night.

More Herron Island Weekends...

By Thursday morning, Liam can't wait to get back out to Herron Island. We have spent almost every weekend there for the past couple months. The first words out of his mouth when he wakes up are either "boat ride", "kayak ride" or "ferry boat." What a life he lives - he is such a lucky kid. And Skyler isn't complaining either. She get's to go be loved and held by Grandma Mum Mum, Opa, Grandpa Teddy or Grandma Stephie all weekend long. It is so nice for Leif and I to have the help too. How else would we get to go wakeboarding? Or just getting time to sit in the boat and have a beer? It's a good life...

My mom threw a "deck warming party" to welcome the new addition to her home - it looks amazing with the glass railing. Stephanie threw a get together of Sunday as well - Great Grandpa Merritt did really well!

Liam's goin skiing . . .

My favorite part about this video is how Liam catches a glimpse of himself in the hallway mirror as he passes by and does a double take to check himself out before continuing on . . . typical Jensen boy!

Skyler Update

Here are some cute pictures of our little girl who is growing up WAY too fast. Grandma Mum Mum took good care of her while we played with our friends last weekend!

Herron Island with the Kings

We had such a great weekend with Rich, Lenore and Liam's big bros, Christian and Beckam. The weather this summer has been awesome - it was 80 all weekend long. The boys had a blast and we were all able to relax in the sun on the beach and on the boat!