My baby sister - The best big brother in the World

Liam is so sweet to Skyler. He never likes to hear or see her get upset so when she starts to cry he says "uh oh" and runs upstairs to get her pacifier. He brings it back to her and usually tries to put it in her mouth but misses and sticks it into her eye instead. He helps her to roll over when she is struggling and is constantly giving her kisses. He has been so good at not being jealous and, in fact, usually smiles when I bring her down in my arms. What a good big brother he is!

Skyler's 2 Month Appointment

Growing like a weed!

Height: 22.5 - 50%
Weight:10 pounds 7 ounces - 50%
Head Size: 15.25 - 45%

Uncle Sock and Samir Visit

The pictures speak volumes - we had a fantastic visit with Scott and Samir over the 4th of July weekend.

Dancing and Swimming

Liam and Skyler love to dance together and Liam likes to show her his new tricks - laying on his back and floating in the bath tub and blowing bubbles in his new pool!

Rolling Over at 7 Weeks

Skyler - at 7 weeks old - can already roll over. She did it a couple times when my dad was visiting and has now done it several more times. We spent the weekend out at Herron Island - it was such a beautiful weekend. My mom's place is looking awesome with her new deck and the house itself is getting more and more organized. We through a big party and housed 10 people on Saturday night - Leif and I and the 2 kids, Mike and his girlfriend Carrie, Darren and Katie and Jessie and Jen! It was so fun to hang out with our good friends, drink margaritas and eat good food as Liam ran around playing and Skyler being passed around while she slept (still not exactly Mrs. Social).

Papa and Nana come to visit

My dad and Mary came out last weekend for father's day and we had a wonderful time introducing little Skyler to them. When they walked into the house, we were all having a dance party - Liam's idea. Liam is so taken by my dad and wanted nothing more than to sit next to him and read. I felt so lucky as I sat between my dad and Leif on Father's Day at church. Leif always saves his big projects for when my dad is in town - they work really well together - so they spent almost all of Sunday working upstairs installing a fan for our bedroom. We went downtown Kirkland for burgers on Sunday night and enjoyed the warm weather.

Girls are so much fun!

Ok...I might be having too much fun today with Skyler. She has been so smiley and cute. I couldn't resist dressing her up for a few pictures...

Skyler Update

Skyler slept from 8:30 until 3am last night. 7 hours! I have so much energy today I don't know what to do with myself! She has been smiling like crazy as well. So alert. When I try to rock her to sleep I can't look down at her because she just stares at me and waits for my eyes to meet hers so she can smile. She is perfect!

Liam's loves the water!

Here are a few pictures of Liam enjoying the nice weather and his new pools.