Skyler's 1 Month Check Up

She continues to grow like a weed and has filled out so much. Doctor Eichner says she is perfect!

Height: 20.5 inches - 25%

Weight: 7 pounds 12.5 ounces - 10%

On average she sleeps from 8 pm to 1/2ish am. She wakes for about 15 minutes to drink some milk and then usually goes right back down. She wakes for the second time between 5 and 6am. How lucky am I? We have had our long nights but I seriously cannot complain!

Our trip to Lake Chelan

We have decided that for the next 5 years (if not longer), it will not be easy to travel with the kiddos. However, rather than be a prisoner to our home, we are saying "yes" to all trips whenever possible. We figure that a 3 hour trip will always take at least 5 and that there will be many times that we have to deal with crying children, however, if we go with lowered expectations, we will create many more memories than if we were to just say "no, its too hard." So, when Tim and Aly invited us to Lake Chelan for my birthday weekend, we went for it. The drive out took 3 hours of which only the last 25 minutes were unbearable. However, Tim and Aly made it so worth it as we walked in to a lake paradise. We were welcomed by tiki torches, an outdoor fireplace and a huge glass of wine. They wined and dined us (Aly is an amazing host and Tim has all the toys in the world to play with) all weekend long and made us feel so welcome and relaxed. The best part was that I got to spend my birthday with a mellow husband that did not have to work and my two beautiful children. Thank you Tim and Aly!!!

12 Days Old....

Skyler has been gaining weight like crazy now that she is out in the real world. We took her to the doctor today and was already 6 pounds, 5 ounces! Still only in the 5% but so healthy! She is 20 inches long which puts her in the 25% for height - just perfect for a girl.

Our first trip to Herron Island with "the kids"

Leif and I say "the kids" and it seems to echo through our brains. It seems like just yesterday it sounded weird to say "my husband." Now I have a husband and two kids! How and when did that happen???

We took Liam and Skyler out to Herron Island today...just for the day as I am not yet confident to do an overnight away from the comfort of home. Skyler is SO easy though (knock on wood).

Liam meets his little sister for the first time

I think that poor little Liam was more worried about his mommy than he was concerned with his new little sister when he came to visit us in the hospital. Given that he has been hospitalized twice in the last year, I think he thought something was wrong with me when he saw me in the hospital gown and bed. He wanted to come straight up and sit with me. Once he realized I was okay, he was down to meet (and kiss) his little sister for the first time. He has been so wonderful with her and has far exceeded any of our expectations. He seems to feel completely comfortable that there is plenty of love in this family for the both of them. He loves his little sister all ready and wants to hold her hand every chance he gets. Yesterday Skyler was fussing and Liam decided that she needed a pacifier. He walked all the way up the stairs on his own, into her room, found her pacifier and brought it back down. He does not seem to be jealous at all and when he sees me holding her, he smiles and says "baby" or "sisser". He is such a wonderful brother already! I love this family!

Skyler Rose Jensen is here!

Leif and I woke up at 4:15 this morning to go to the hospital. Even though we had been through the routine once before, both of us were more nervous the second time around! I thought Leif was going to have a panic attack as we walked to the operating room. The c-section went okay although it was not as smooth as with Liam. I felt more sick this time and it seemed to take longer. However, when they lifted little Skyler out and she started to cry, it was the sweetest sound ever. I was so relieved to see that she was okay, albeit very small: 5 pounds, 14 ounces of perfection! A full two pounds less than Liam, she looked like a little bird! They brought her to me first and then Leif was immediately at her side while they cleaned her up. My mom took his place next to me. It was magical, just like the first time and it is true that your heart just grows bigger.

Herron Island 09

We say it all the time - there is no place in the world we would rather be on a hot, sunny day than Herron Island. There really is something magical about it. It was in the 70's these last couple days and with two sets of grandparents on the island, what better place could there be for a 9 month pregnant mom to relax. Liam had an absolute ball playing in the sunshine.

18 Month (well, 19 month) check up

Liam got another A+ at his checkup today.

Height: 34.5 - 90%
Weight: 27 lbs 5.5 oz - 60%

He also got his MMR shots. Grandma Stephanie came with us and got to hold him this time. It certainly hurt him but he was over it quickly. When he got home he told his dad all about it! "Booboo there" as he pointed to his little leg. So glad that is over with!

Grandma is back in town!!!

Grandma Nancy got home today from her month long trip to China. Although exhausted by the long plane ride, Liam was not about to leave her alone. He would not leave her side. Book after book she read to him as he just plopped down on her lap. When she got up, he would cry and reach his hands up to her. How will she ever leave him again??! Mommy who?

Arizona 2009

Mom! Why didn't you pack my swim trunks. This is SO embarassing!
As long as we were outside, Liam was a happy boy! Can you tell mommy is 8 months preggo?

Watching the thunderbirds. I don't think Grandpa Teddy and Liam left each others' sides.

Playin in the pool and the Club!

Big boy with his new water bottle.

He LOVES the water!
Watching the airplanes with Grandma and Grandpa.
Relaxing by the pool with Gina. Geez I am white!
Kickin it with Grandma Stephanie at the pool.

More pool time.

Ted and Stephanie flew Liam and I out to the sun for a much needed long weekend. I could say so much about how nice it was to be taken care of, to relax and soak up the rays while gpa and gma played with my active little man, and how it was so wonderful to see my best friend Gina who met me down there. However, these pictures are worth a 1000 words!