Liam new bed

With Skyler on her way in a few months, Liam moved to his big boy bed in the next room over. His Uncle Mike gave him the Cars poster for Christmas.
He did great! Slept through the night first try!

New Adventures

Liam is now 18 months old so we thought it was time to transfer him to his big boy bed. He spent his first night there last night. I read him books until he got sleepy and he only fussed for a few minutes before settling in for the night. I am pretty sure he liked it as he slept almost 13 hours! Leif had to go wake him up by crawling into bed and adjusting with him.

It was also our first day of swim lessons today. Although a little reluctant at first, the minute his swim teacher gave him a ball to play with, all inhibitions were gone and he was laughing and splashing. It's a good thing the class is only 30 minutes long though as his little teeth started chattering 20 minutes in. I will post pictures soon.

All about my day....

Last night was one of those nights I never want to forget. Leif was coming home late from work so asked if I would keep Liam awake for him. Liam was getting so tired...he was laying on the floor when Leif walked in. With a huge smile, he threw his pacifier on the floor and reached up for his daddy. They sat on the couch together while Liam told Leif all about his day. He pointed to his grandma and told Leif about going to Bastyr park and sliding down the slide with Boomer. He pointed to his balloon that he accidentally let go of and was now floating at the ceiling where he couldn't reach it. He pointed to the kitchen, and to me and never once stopped babbling about this or that. It was the cutest thing. Then he got tired of talking and put his head down on his daddy's shoulder to fall asleep. It was so obvious that he was glad he had waited up...

Reading is my favorite...

If there is one thing Liam LOVES to do, it is read books (or newspapers or magazines or cards). He will go pick out a book and then plop himself down on the nearest lap - hand you the book and sit while you read to him. He made Leif read him the Daddy and Me book 6 times the other night and must have brought my mom 10 different books to read this morning. He feels so comfortable just sitting down on your lap and asking you to read. Of course, no one ever turns him away!
Here he is mimicking his dad read the newspaper and reading his Valentines card from Gpa Teddy and Gma Stephanie.


You leave him for a minute to try to make a salad and he takes the Craisins bag and empties it on the family room carpet. How can you be upset at such a precious little face....
We will find craisins for months!

False Labor - not again!

The familiar feeling of early contractions started on Sunday. I remembered exactly what it felt like from when I went into pre-term labor with Liam at 32 weeks. This time, however, I was only 27 weeks. To the hospital we went to be monitored for a few hours. This time, no shots of tributaline were required...just sent home and told to start taking it easy. The funny thing is, although I was sick to my stomach for the first month of this pregnancy, since then, I have not felt pregnant AT ALL. I have been working out and racing around like usual. Then, all of the sudden on Friday I magically "got pregnant." Suddenly, I am exhausted and uncomfortable....aware of my belly and feeling the jabs to my ribs that are oh so familiar. So, I guess it is finally becoming real and I need to slow down. We still have another 10 weeks...ughhh!


Liam just finished with lunch - a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I don't even know where to begin cleaning.....

New Words...

This week Liam has learned two new words. The first - "PLEASE" - is the most endearing thing you could ever imagine...Leif and I would practically give him anything when he says it. It sounds more like "PEEAS" and it is so precious.

On the opposite he picked up from day care... "MINE." How classic that he would learn these two words together.

So now we have an ongoing conversation as follows:

Liam: "Mine"
Leif/Brie: "No...its not yours...its for everyone. Can you say please?"
Liam" "Peeas"
Leif/Brie: "here you go sweet boy."