It's a Girl!

We had our 20 week ultrasound today and it's a girl! We feel like the luckiest parents in the World! We are so blessed!

A White Christmas!

It started snowing early this month and has not really stopped since. It has been a challenge to get on and off our hill for the last few weeks and we have spent the majority of our time snowed in. I absolutely LOVE it. The immobility has put a damper on most of our Christmas plans (as well and Ted and Stephanie's and my mom and David's) and we ended up staying here at our house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day....I guess I finally got my way!
Since the rest of our hill was snowed in as well, we invited our neighbors over for Christmas Eve. It ended up being a great party with 10 of us adults and 5 kiddos running around. We had flank steak, mushrooms, salad and french bread. Christmas was spent hanging around the house, opening presents and eating more good food, all while being happily entertained by our little Liam. He received an oversized polar bear which he loved...I think it reminded him of Summit and he loves to throw himself down on it and snuggle. He loved his new cars too...of course!
As you can see, we have made the most of the snow by sledding, building snowmen, and introducing Liam to the cold NW snow. He LOVED sledding with us and being outside even when it was dumping!

First Trip to Denver!

Liam and I were supposed to head to Denver last Saturday but Leif and I came down with the stomach flu Friday night and there was no waking up early to catch a plane for me. So, we re-scheduled our trip for Thursday and I am so glad we did. Liam was perfect on the plane...slept almost the entire trip on my lap! I spent most of the time looking down at him and feeling like the luckiest mom in the world.

Once in Denver, my dad and Mary picked us up and drove us into Boulder. I loved it....what a great town. I hope Liam goes to school there one day! Another 25 minutes and we were at my dad's new place in Nederland. It is a tiny mountain town 15 minutes away from a great ski hill. It will be a perfect place to bring our kids to learn to ski and to give mommy and daddy a few good days on the hill!

It snowed in Nederland and Liam loved to go outside and experience the cold. We relaxed, ate well and had a wonderful visit with my dad and Mary. I am looking forward to going back with Leif next year!


At 10:15, I made my way over to Bright Horizons where all the kids had dressed up and were parading around the IDX Tower showing off their adorable costumes. Of course, there was no one cuter than our little puppy dog! He was a little out of sorts though as he has decided recently that he much prefers staying home with dad than going to school. After partying at school we headed over to the Cartwright's house for their annual Trick or Treat party. Liam flirted with the girls, ate pizza and even went trick or treating with dad at a couple houses.

Liam can stack blocks...

Just like that, he figured it out!

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend with Liam in Woodinville and we all had a blast! It was kid chaos and Liam fit right in. He was dressed in a brand new he received when he was first born that finally fits him. He was, by far, the best dressed there! He loved walking around the farm and playing in the hay. He wasn't shy with the pumkins either....climbed all over them! We sat back with huge smiles on our face. We never imagined we would have so much fun at a Pumpkin farm.

Liam at Day Care

Since my office is only 3 minutes away from Liam's day care, I go over there several times a day to peek in at him. This morning he was watching a little girl finger paint and waiting (not so) patiently for his turn. He was rocking back and forth on his little legs he was so excited to get dirty in the paint. As soon as his teacher looked away his quick little hand went straight into the red paint. He is so damn cute.

When his grandma Nancy took him to daycare, she stayed for a couple hours to watch and be with him. He was connected to her hip until it was circle time. He raced to the front row to watch his teacher sing and hold up pictures. He would dance every time they sang and when his picture came up he clapped his hands together. He is learning so quick.


We had the greatest time at Liam's first birthday! All of Liam's little buddies gathered in our backyard where we had a bubble maker, a slide and a blow up bouncy gym. Leif BBQ'd as the kids ran around. Although at first a little hesitant with his cupcake, it didn't take long for him to absolutely destroy it. I am pretty sure he likes chocolate!

Liam and Dad

Last night Leif had Liam laughing so hard I thought he was going to pass out. Liam could not get enough of his daddy and would egg him on by crawling up on his chair and pat him on the leg until Leif looked down at him. Then Leif would turn his head quickly and laugh loudly at him and Liam would throw himself down on the ground and laugh hysterically. Then he was back up, standing on dad's chair, and back down again laughing. They must have done this for 15 minutes straight and I have never heard anything more joyful in my life.

Herron Island with the Kings

We went out to Herron Island last weekend with Lenore and Beckham and had a blast! It was so beautiful on Saturday...the perfect Herron Island day. We spent the day hanging out by the beach, playing with the boys, drinking margaritas and visiting with the grandparents. Where else can you sit back and read a magazine with 2 wild little boys. Although Liam and BK do not play "together" yet, they don't let each other far from their sites.