Visit to the Oregon Ranch...

We left late Friday night to drive down to Eugene to visit Gina, Alex and family. Drive aside, it was such a fun trip and we feel so good that we made the effort to see best friends. Liam had a blast being around their three kids - Luke, Matthew and Gianna - and we did nothing but relax. Alex's parents have a beautiful 127 acre ranch with room for everyone. We spent two lazy days hanging on the lawn, taking in the view, cruising on the boat, drinking coctails and watching the kids have the time of their lives!


He is getting so close...walking is just days away!

July Madness!

From the last post to this one, we have been through a lot. We thought the worst of it was over when Liam went to the ER on Tuesday, but he ended up getting worse and after a couple more days of our active little boy being a lethargic, quiet and very sick child, we headed to Childrens Hospital Friday night. His temperature continued to climb and for 3 days he ran a fever between 103 and 105 degrees. Finally Sunday we had an answer: bacterial pneumonia. He was put on antibiotics and recovered within a few more days.
The rest of the month has been great! He is healthy and happy...loving daycare and hanging a lot with his buddies (Connor at school, Casper and the King boys).
He is changing every day and has become SO much fun to play with. We had such a blast the other night taking him to mexican food with the Larsens. He and Casper sat across from each other and made each other laugh the entire time. He loves to wrestle with his daddy and play peek-a-boo with mom.

Cousin Samir comes to visit!

Liam finally got to meet his cousin Samir this past weekend. Liam was recovering so having Scott and Samir in town was a good lift to his spirit! We loved having them here....LOVED it!
Samir got to go to Herron Island over the 4th weekend and dress up like a cowboy for the parade. Everyone could see that he had a great time. Grandma Nancy even bought him some toy guns!!!

Liam's Trip to the Emergency Room

Well, Liam has had a rough couple of weeks of sickness that culminated in a trip to the emergency room last night at 8pm. After throwing up a couple of times at day care, I picked him up and took him home. He was so lethargic it was scary. No matter what I did I couldn't get the little guy to smile...and that just isn't like him at all. His temperature spiked to just under 105 and I called the nurse. I worked hard to get his fever down with a cool bath but when that did not work, she told me to head to the ER. After throwing up on the doctor, he bravely endured the nurse putting an iv into his little arm (it took them 30 minutes to find a vein because he was so dehydrated). Mom, dad, Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Stephanie watched as they pumped fluid and anti-nausea medicine into his limp little body. It was heartbreaking. He was so good though and even endured a chest x-ray where dad had to prop him up on a wooden chair. We took him home around midnight and he is still not feeling his greatest. We are just hoping he will be better by this weekend so he can have the energy to keep up with his cousin Samir.

More Herron Island fun.....

We have been spending a lot of time out at the island this summer which has been so relaxing! Having two sets of grandparents out there is such a blessing.

9 Month Check Up

At his 9 month appointment, here were his stats: still growing like a weed but now that he is crawling, he has lost a little weight (you wouldn't know since he still has his big budda belly!).

Height: 30 inches (90%)
Weight: 21 lbs 9 ounces (75%)
Head Size: 19.25 (off the charts).

Liam starts to Army Crawl

We were out at Herron Island this weekend...Liam's new favorite place to go. He loves sitting on the beach feeling the rocks (and sometimes tasting them). This weekend he started to pull himself around the room with his won't we long now before the little guy is crawling all over the place!

Skiing at 8 1/2 Months!

We were sitting at Starbucks this morning (Liam's favorite morning spot) and Leif said "you know, Alpental is open today). 30 minutes later, we were on the road!
Leif put the little man in the back pack and we hiked up the mountain until we could find a good spot to put Summit's new sled dog harness to work. Summit pulled, Leif skiied and Liam laughed his way down the mountain. Now there is no question...Liam has skiing in his blood!