Finally...Summer is here!

It was 80 degrees today and will remain warm throughout the weekend! We are so excited!!!

His first trip to Herron Island (the Maui of the Puget Sound)

Liam's entire mood changed when we set foot on Herron Island. We couldn't help comparing his excitement to Summit's excitement the first time he was there. As we walked across the dock, Liam turned his head back and forth, taking in the mountains, the water, the trees and the overall beauty of the island. He is such an outdoor kid...
Mother's Day was wonderful! I woke up to breakfast in bed, then took a walk with my boys down to the water. Liam LOVED the rocks and he and his dad sat by the water. I was given a necklack with Leif and Liam's name engraved on it which I will never take off!

Sleepin on his tummy

Its been a couple weeks now that Liam has been sleeping (sometimes) on his tummy. He likes to utilize his entire crib at night and moves from one end to the other and then back again. We never know how we will find him in the morning.

Liam meets a new friend

Liam met a new friend last night named Will. Will is 3 months older than Liam and was so excited to play with LJ and all of his toys! His parents Nadine and Billy came over for dinner and it is so funny how things have changed...we all eat in shifts, hang out in the room with all the toys (that used to be empty) and talk in fragments. It was a great time!!!

My first haircut!

Mom and Grandma took Mr. Liam down to The Shop in Juanita Village for his first haircut today. It took 30 minutes and cost $5.00. The woman had to cut his hair in 5 second intervals because Liam was very curious as to what was going on. He read (ok, chewed on) his magazine and smiled at Grandma. He sat in the chair all by himself. No more long stragglers!

Liam can hold his bottle

Liam decided that he wanted to be a big boy this morning and hold his bottle by himself....oh the world of opportunity this opens up for his mom! He fed himself an entire bottle this morning!

My hair is out of control...

Mom and dad keep saying they are going to cut it but it just gets more and more out of control...

More bathtime photos

Since Liam can sit up so well by himself, we let him take baths in our kitchen sink. He loves to splash around and make a huge mess....we love it too!

Our Little Mariners Fan...

Check out the newest addition to the Mariners fan club - sporting his new jacket from Uncle Mike and hangin out with Papa Mark! He layed on his daddy's stomach the other day for 20 minutes watching the game. It's the only TV he gets to watch.