Liam's Baptism

Friends and family joined us at Holy Family to witness our little jem get baptised. Liam is so loved - Papa Mark, Grandma Nancy, Opa Dave, Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Stephanie were all there, along with Great Grandpa Ted, the Jensen clan, and many family friends. He was a star in his white tuxedo and did great sitting through the long ceremony. He liked the warm water and lets just say it was too bad for the other kids that he was the first one in it! Uncle Mike (or should I say "Godfather") was up on the alter with us.

We had a party afterwards at our house with white balloons, pizza and coconut cupcakes. Liam had to host his party from bed since he was tuckered out from a long day.


March 28th and its dumping snow outside! Liam loves it!

Mom works from home...

I couldn't handle being away from him. I lasted 2 months and it was just about killing me. I told my team that I was going to either have to work from home or move on and they agreed to let me work from home. I am so excited to be able to spend more time with my little guy...we have so much fun!

Easter Sunday

We layed low this Easter and enjoyed being home with nothing to do. Liam put on his cool vest to show off at church and when we returned, Leif made us a wonderful breakfast. We had dinner with Mike and Ashley which was, as always, such a good time. We love having Mike so close. He is always stopping by to make sure his little God son is doing all right. It means so much to us.

Liam's First Tooth

He sprouted his first tooth today...let the fun begin! He wouldn't hold still long enough to let me get a picture of it, so I just added these for the fun of it. It is a sharp little tooth, on the bottom right side. The little man is growing up...scary how fast its going!

Sun Valley

Leif and I left Thursday night with Uncle Mike, Ashley, Darren and Katie to head to Sun Valley. Our first overnight trip away from Mr. Liam. We missed him like crazy but knew he was in good hands with Gpa Teddy and Gma Stephanie! Stephanie opened a can of worms when she started sending text message pictures of the little guy...I then expected them every 2 hours throughout the 3 days we were gone...52 text messages later and we were home!
It was so much fun to get to ski in Sun Valley, see Lee, Leslie and Alex and hang out with good friends. Liam had a wonderful time with his grandparents who spoiled him rotten the whole time, I am sure.

Rolling from stomach to back....

Our little rolly polly has found a way to get around. I left him in the living room today on his back while I ran upstairs to get dressed, and when I came back down, he was clear across the room!

Liam's 6 Month Check Up

Well, this trip to the doctor went about 150x better than the last trip! At the suggestion of my brother Scott, we got a prescription for numbing gel before the shots to run on his leg. It seemed to work because the poor little guy had to get 4 shots today, including the flu shot, and he did great! Within minutes of his shots, he was laughing at me as I sang him his favorite song, "Zulu Chief."

He continues to grow like a rockstar!

Height: 27.5 inches (90%)
Weight: 19 lbs 11.5 ounces (85%)
Head Size: 18.5 inches (embarrasingly...99%)