Holding his own bottle...

Well...sort of. He reaches to try to hold it, but doesn't really understand the concept yet!


Choosing which pictures to post to show how much fun Liam had in Arizona was no easy task...in every single one, he is having the time of his life! Seeing his Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Stephanie was such a happy reunion and he was ALL smiles! Would you believe that even though Grandma Steph fed him, changed him, woke up in the night with him, played by the pool with him, watched him while we golfed (I didn't loose a single ball!), and giggled endlessly with him, we didn't capture any of those moments on camera! I was so dissapointed until Liam reminded me that he has "picture memories" of his Grandma.
After two days of play play play, our perfect little boy (we call him the "carrier") passed on the stomach flu to G&G. What troopers they were though...still hanging out with us and showing us a wonderful time even though they felt helpless!
Liam loved the sun and wants to go back for a week next time.


Liam put on his surf trunks today (size 12 months) in preparation for his trip to Arizona! He is ready for some fun in the sun.


We have been taking Saturday afternoon walks with Liam's good buddies Christian and Beckham. The weather has been so good to us the past few weeks and it is so much fun to get outside and have family time at the park. Liam still doesn't know what to make of the swings...although we got a few giggles out of him today!

Recovering from the Flu

I had to write this morning because we are all, finally, emerging from the fog of the stomach flu. It hit Liam on Monday morning. He is the most ridiculously happy kid for being such a sick little man. He would throw up and then smile at us. It wasn't until he developed a terrible diaper rash that he became fussy and even then, only when he had a wet diaper. It hit me hard Tuesday afternoon and Leif that night. We ended up calling my mom at 5am to come to our rescue as neither of us could stand up and poor little Liam needed someone to comfort him. What would we do without my mom?!!? She has been such a trooper and deserves so much credit for coming into our house when we were all so contagiously ill. She saved us until Thursday evening and then spent the entire night throwing up. We felt TERRIBLE. We are calling it the "6 lbs in 18 hours diet."

Today is Saturday morning and everyone is feeling much better. Last night was probably the most enjoyable time I have ever spent with Liam. He woke up from a long nap just in time for his daddy to come home from work and he was so so SO happy. For almost 3 hours, he just hung out with us and giggled. He was talking like crazy...telling his grandma how much he likes to eat bananas. After his bath he layed by the fire for 45 minutes and showed off his rolling over and foot in mouth skills. He thought it was HILARIOUS and, of course, so did all of us.

Gone bananas...

Liam has discovered a food he is actually interested in....BANANAS!!!!! He likes them so much that if you don't prepare a new spoonful by the time he has swallowed his last bite he wimpers with his mouth open like a baby bird...

Out and about...

Although the weather has not been kind to us lately, there have been a few sunny days that we have taken advantage of! Today, Lenore, Rich, Leif, Ryan, Sophia, Beckham, Christian, Liam, Summit and I all walked down to the park to play on the swings....Liam's new favorite thing to do.

Beckham's Birthday Party

Liam's good buddy Beckham turned 1 on the 15th and we celebrated his birthday yesterday over at his house. Liam was overwhelmed by the commotion and kids but still had a good time. We put him in this bouncy seat and all he wanted to do was chew on the side of it. Although he was completely clueless as to the meaning of the whole pinata, he sure was mesmerized by the lolly pop he was awarded at the end!
We only lasted for about an hour and Liam was relieved to get back to the peace and quiet of his house....I think we had better either start hanging out with the King kids more or hurry up and get Liam a brother!

Grandma goes walking....

I have to share this story because it is just so typical of my mom... My neighbor/girlfriend Lenore called me at work today to tell me that she just saw my mom and David walking up our hill with Liam and the dogs (Boomer and Summit). She was laughing because, just like when we walk up the hill with our husbands, it was my mom who was pushing the 40+ pound stroller and David who was walking the dogs. For those of you who haven't been to our house, walking up our hill is no easy task...it is called "Goat Hill" for a reason!
My mom takes care of Liam 2 days a week and we have had so much fun with her around. Liam loves being with her and we are so blessed to have her so close!

Daddy works from home...

Every once and awhile, Liam gets lucky and daddy decides to work from home. Although Liam is supposed to leave him alone while he works, sometimes its just too irresistable. Today, Liam helped daddy design...