20 lbs!

Well...almost. We weighed LJ2 this morning and he was 19.5 lbs! I swear, running up and down our stairs holding him has been a great way to stay fit.

He has discovered his thumb and although he misses his mouth about half the time, he continues to try! Grandma Nancy has him eating like a pro...bananas, sweet potatoes, squash and more. He loves to watch Summit and will sit up all by himself as long as he has the dog to focus on.

This morning I came home from Costco and found Leif and Liam on the couch wrestling and laughing. The whole world could be falling apart and I would still be happy seeing the two of them!

Snow in the NW!

I am now in my second week back to work and it is just not getting any easier. I think about my little man all day long. "What is he doing now....and now....and now....." It's killing me not to be with him.
Thus, you can imagine how disappointed I was that I could not go to work this morning and had to stay home with little Liam. ;) We spent the morning watching Summit play in the backyard...Summit was in heaven as you can see from the pictures! I love the Northwest!

Eating solids...

We have now officially started Liam on solids. We started with rice cereal, which he prefers out of a bottle (he can drink 4 oz in about 25 seconds!). We switched to peas and green beans which you can see, he does not like. After making that very clear with all the dry heaving, we decided to switch to sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes he can do, but his very favorite is the spoonfull of chocolate pudding his dad gives him every night before bed.

Bath Time....is the fun over???

Mr. Liam has discovered how to splash. Needless to say, bath time is no longer what it used to be. Leif and I used to argue over who got to bathe him as it was such a relaxing, fun time. Now, its absolute chaos. Liam likes to kick his feet and wave his hands as hard as he can, creating the biggest splashes he can, and making an absolute wet mess out of our bathroom. Even Summit won't go near him!
Leif caught these pictures last night. Liam was holding himself up on the side of the tub and, as you can see, he was very very proud of himself!

Liam's 4 month appointment

Well...this round of shots did not go as smoothly as the last round. Apparently, Liam now not only feels pain but understands that he really doesn't like it. His stats were great:

Head size: still in the 97th percentile
Height: 26.5 inches; 95%
Weight: 16 lbs, 12 oz; 50%

He loves his doctor...thinks his accent is very funny. Liam couldn't get enough of him...the big show off. All smiles, rolling over, so proud of himself. And then that darn nurse poked him with the first shot and all the fun was over. He screamed like I have never heard him scream....FOR 40 MINUTES!!! For the first 10, I was laughing ("c'mon little buddy...toughen up!"). At 15 minutes I started to cry. By 20 minutes, the doctor was back in the room trying to figure out what was going on. And, by 30 minutes, I was starting to get scared. Finally, the little guy calmed down and went to sleep. He woke up cranky but by the next morning, was just fine. Back to his usual happy self! I really think I am more scarred by the experience than Liam is. I am making Leif take him to his 6 month appointment!

Liam & Santa

Liam's picture with Santa Clause showed up today. The picture was taken at the Entellium Family Christmas party. He was the cover boy on the Entellium website! ...of course! The caption by his picture on the website reads as follows:
"Baby Liam here could be the next Gap Model...doesn't he make you want to run out and buy this outfit??? Sincerely...this might be the ad for Studio B next Christmas. His "are we done yet" expression is just comedy." http://www.studiobportraits.com/studiobseniors/blog/

Christmas 2007

Not since I was little did I experience such excitement and anticipation for Christmas and even though Liam was clueless as to the significance of it all, it was so much fun to share his first holiday. One thing is for sure...this little boy will never lack love!

We hosted Christmas Eve at our house with my mom, David, Ted, Stephanie, Mike, Uncle Keith, Mary Ellen, Aunts Chris and Mel, Kent, GGparents M & M. We had such a great time drinking martinis, sharing stories and passing little Liam from one relative to the next. We all shared our "Picture of the Year" over dinner and each persons story was so fun. Leif jokingly shared a picture of him at the pool in Mexico drinking a margarita....

Christmas day was a blast as well. We woke up and finished opening presents. Went to church with Ted, Stephanie, Mike, mom and David and then came home for brunch. At 2pm, we headed up to Everett to share the rest of our day with the Jensen clan. Liam spent most of his time being passed around and flirting with all the ladies. He loved standing on his Uncle Mike's lap as well.

We went to bed so content, but exhausted. Thank goodness Liam slept through the night!

Powder Time!

Liam's lucky parents got to go ski at Crystal with Uncle Mike, Uncle Phillip, Addi and Anne the day after Christmas. The new lift was open and we had a blast. The best was watching Leif, Mike and Phillip constantly trying to "one up" each other. And the highlight was seeing all three of them fly off the same cat track and explode into a ball of white powder. Phillip was the only one that came out. Leif tried to pull it off with only one ski but realized he was headed for trouble. Mike landed and did a front flip to his head (time for a helmet Mike!).

Little Liam stayed home with Grandma Stephanie and Grandpa Teddy. As we drove away from the house, the three of them waved out the window....they looked like a Christmas tree ornament. I didn't have pictures of us skiing so I posted some favorites of Liam instead!

Sleepin' Boy!

I am almost afraid to write this as I still go to bed every night praying that Liam will not wake up. However (knock on wood), for the last 4 nights in a row, he has slept 11+ hours. Last night, he slept 8pm - 7:30am, without waking AT ALL! Unfortunately, mom's clock is still on the 2am schedule and I continue to sleep so lightly a fly could wake me. But we are so blessed that our little man loves to sleep. His schedule at almost 4 months is as follows:

~7am: wake up and eat 4-6 oz of milk
7:15 - 8:15: play with mom and dad
8:15: drink the rest of my 6 oz bottle and go down for a nap
8:30 - 10/10:30: nap with his waterfall music on
10:30: drink 6 oz of milk
10:45 - 1:15: go on a run with mom, Christian (2yrs), Beckham (9mos) and Lenore or go run errands. Cat nap on and off.
1:15: drink 4-6 oz of milk
1:45/2 - 4: nap with waterfall music
4:15: drink 6 oz of milk
4:30 - 6:45: play with mom and dad...get a little cranky (we call it happy hour)
6:45: bath time!!!
7:30: eat 6-8 oz of milk
8pm: sleep

Grandpa Ted and Grandma Stephanie return from Arizona

Ted and Stephanie flew in from Arizona this evening and reunited with their little grandson. Boy oh boy, does Liam know how to ham it up! He was ALL smiles as if to say, "oh yes, I remember you!" It was so sweet to see him with his grandparents. I love having the family around. Mike came over on Sunday and Leif was in absolute heaven watching the Seahawks game with his dad, brother and son. It doesn't get much better than that.