Auntie Gina comes to Visit

Liam's Auntie Gina came to meet him this week. He absolutely LOVED her...flirted the entire time. By the time she left, all she had to say was "Do you want to play Patty Cake?" and Liam's face would transform into a HUGE smile. It was so good for mom to have her best friend in town as well. I feel like a new woman. Its amazing what girlfriends can do! Thank you G.

Mom's First Day Away...

I had to go off to a conference today for work and leave Liam for the first time. Thank goodness my mom was here as I don't think I would have been able to do it if I didn't know that he would be with family. I was fine throughout the morning, but started REALLY missing him around 1pm. I couldn't stand it by 3 so left a couple hours early and headed home. Liam was, of course, just fine and my mom was exhausted! He smiled so big when I got home and my mom says he looked at her as though to say "ok...she's can go now." I doubt that was what he was thinking but it made me laugh.

Mexico - Liam does it best!

Mexico was a blast and Liam was such a trooper. He slept the entire flight down after giving off a few award winning smiles to the people sitting next to us. He loved the warm weather and spent the entire week in his short sleeved onsies (showing off his big turkey legs!). I am pretty sure his favorite part was sitting next to his dad at the pool and taking naps. We had a wonderful time with Matt and Jen and their daughter, Audrey, whom Liam was quite taken with. Grandma Nancy and Opa Dave were a big help and took Liam several times so that Leif and I could get some alone time to drink margaritas and mojitos poolside. The weather was beautiful and we got to see the whales jumped clear out of the water. It was a much needed, very relaxing time.

First Giggle!

Today Liam let out his first giggles during the second quarter of the Seahawks game (against Chicago - we won!). It was so exciting that even Leif, Mike and Phillip stopped watching the game to laugh with the little guy. He loves to watch the Seahawks with his dad...they have the exact same expression and head tilt as they stare into the television! When I tried to sit him down on the floor and play with him he cranked his neck around so he could continue watching...he's a real Jensen boy!

SuperBoy - Liam's first Halloween

I took Liam down to Leif's office today for the first time. He was the star, in his little Entellium onsie.

He was SuperBoy for Halloween. We took him over to Darren and Katie's house where he got completely overstimulated and passed out after 15 minutes! By the time we took these pictures, he was ready to sleep through the night.

2 month check up

Weight: 13 lbs - 75%

Height: 24.5 inches - 94%

Head size: 90%

Liam slept 9 hours last night! He woke up briefly at 3:30am, but took a pacifier and went right back to sleep. Oh how we pray this will continue!!!

He had 3 shots at his appointment today and took them like a champ. Cried for about a minute but once I gave him food, he calmed down. He slept for the rest of the afternoon though, and was very fussy in the evening. Poor little guy was in a lot of pain. Every time he caught Leif's eye, he would let out a little wimper. Once we got him in the bath though, he calmed down... He is such a water boy.

His first smile!

Liam smiled for real today...not just gas, but a genuine smile! He had been doing half smiles for a few days, but today was the real deal. It is a huge smile that spreads over his whole face. He has dimples, just like his mom. He made Grandpa Ted's birthday complete when he gave him an ear to ear, mouth open smile.

He is trying to talk, but hasn't really found his voice yet. He makes the "man in the moon" though he wants to tell you the meaning of life, but just can't get it out. He pumps his (not so little) legs back and forth and opens his mouth, but only little coos come out.

Sleep Deprived Mom...

I write this reluctantly since I know this blog is public and I risk all of you thinking I am a terrible mom, but, this stuff is too good not to share. Plus, some time has passed since it occured and I am now able to talk about it without breaking into tears!

Liam and I were having such a wonderful morning...we even made it to Bellevue to do a little shopping and I was starting to think "ok...I can do this." Then we pull into the garage, I step out of the car, go to open Liam's door.....and its locked. The keys inside. I absolutely panicked. Ask Leif to tell the story some day because he does a great impression of me on the phone telling him I was going to throw a brick through the window. Luckily, he calmed me down and convinced me to call a locksmith. I called the police instead (I thought they could get here quicker). They told me to call a locksmith. :)

Meanwhile, Liam started to scream. He had woken up and was so hungry. I have never felt so bad in my life. As I waited for the locksmith, I cried and cried and cried. The locksmith was here in 10 minutes and had Liam out of the car in 30 seconds. I held him for the rest of the day.

What tops the story off is that, amidst my panick to get Liam out, I forgot that Summit was in the back of the car. I left him there for another hour and a half before realizing it! Poor dog.

1 Month Check Up

Weight: 10 lbs, 4 ounces - 75%

Height: 22.5 inches - 90%

Head size: 90%

Liam's First Bottle

Liam took a bottle today for the first time. He would not drink pure formula but once we mixed it with breast milk, he gulped it right down. It was fun for Leif to be able to feed him. At one point, Liam actually held the bottle by himself....he's a genius!