4 weeks old...

We gave Liam a bottle today, which he took right away. He is not picky when it comes to his food...as long as you don't take it away from him, he is happy as a clown. Leif got to feed him for the first time. It was so sweet. At one point, Liam was holding the bottle on his own. He's a genious! ;)

Liam's Voice

Liam is starting to discover his voice....or at least his ability to "coo." Leif sat with him last night and "talked" back and forth with him for 5 minutes. Leif would make a sound and Liam would imitate. It was so damn cute.

He is also starting to focus on our faces...still with that inquisitive, suspicious little brow. His expressions are so funny. He is always so serious. He wrinkles his forehead just like his dad.

Poor Summit

Poor little Summit is having a hard time with the fact that he is no longer the baby in the family. He is constantly nuzzling up against or simply standing right in front of Leif as Leif tries to play with Liam. He is acting out a bit and has started digging the yard up more than ever (driving Leif absolutely crazy!). Thank goodness for Grandma Nancy and Opa Dave's little dog Boomer...he keeps Summit occupied!

Kirkland Triathlon - Crazy Dad!

Leif decided that he would do the Kirkland Triathlon with Uncle Mike 2 weeks after Liam was born. With very little training, and absolutely no sleep, he pulled himself out of bed at 5:30am. Liam and I were planning on watching him but Liam decided not to sleep last night...he was up from midnight to 4:30am and I thought I might lose my mind. I gave him to Grandma Stephanie at 5:30am and went to sleep. When I woke up, Leif was finished with the tri. He said he almost died, and from the picture above, I believe it!

1 week old...

I could just sit all day and watch him sleep. He makes the sweetest little sounds and faces. He continues to look worried all the time...Leif says its as if Liam is saying "you are doing it wrong!" We are doing the best we can little guy! He is so strong and loves to lay on his tummy in the window sill with the sun beating down on his back...