Skyler can wakeboard!

After some serious negotiation, a few tearful conversations, and some encouragement/shaming from her family, Skyler decided to try wakeboarding again. She had gotten up for a few seconds last year but then smacked down hard and has been scared ever since.

She got up no problem this time and her look of absolute surprise, thrill and stoke was so contagious. So proud of this girl!

Herron Island Fun

So much fun, as always, at Herron this summer. We are so lucky to have this place in our family. The kids enjoy their non-structures days, sleeping in and then having all the freedom in the world to play and be kids. With their grandma and grandpa down the beach to escape to when they need extra love or down time, it really is the perfect place for them. Leif and I, despite still working, found ourselves relaxed and connected. Having the Pratt’s next door is a blessing. Wakeboarding, games, one wheels, ice cream, beach fires, paddle boarding and friends and family always around. It’s a good life.

Presley has a Matty

We were always bummed that Matt and Amie did not have kids when we did as Leif always dreamed of his kids growing up with Matt’s kids on Herron Island. But our third and their first are just a year and a half apart and get along like they’ve been best friends forever. They have been hanging out non-stop since Matt and Amie came out to the island - Presley even had her first sleepover. They Swim, kayak, swim, paint rocks, swim, kayak, play in the sand...oh, and of course, hang out in the hot tub anytime they need to warm up!

Father’s Day Camping

We left Friday afternoon to head to Galena to camp for the weekend. Our friends, Kim and Will, and their daughters Samantha and Alex, joined us. Galena is such a gem of a place. Hard to believe we get to live 40 minutes away. The lodge has the best organic everything, the bike trails were perfection and the general feel of the place dissolves your stress. We headed to Stanley for a late (very late) dinner and sat outside at the Sawtooth Hotel. It felt like we were in the Himalayas with the prayer flags blowing and the mountains in the distance. Impossible to be anything but grateful in a setting like that. We spent Saturday biking and sitting around the campfire. Some frisbee and building forts in between. Brent and his boys joined. It really was a special time.

Biking home from Ketchum

Tonight as we road our bikes home, Leif looked at me and said “I don’t see you smile like that except on powder days.” I was beaming because we were all on our bikes riding home after a pizza dinner in Ketchum and everyone was happy. Our neighbor, Brent, had given PRESley a tiny road bike and she crushed it. It was the first time she could keep up with her siblings and you could see the stoke in her riding. She felt what it was like to be first and she liked it... a lot.

Our friends Will and Kim and their two girls road with us. They were our first friends in SV and played a role in getting us here. ❤️

Choosing our attitudes

Presley walked in this morning to my bedroom as I was drinking coffee and said “good morning mom I am going to choose to have a great attitude today.“ Maybe they do listen to me after all.

Mom’s Birthday - this is 43

If this is 43, I must the luckiest woman ever. I spent the weekend in constant gratitude as we jumped in the car again and headed 1.5 hours north to Redfish Lake. It’s hard to believe all this beauty is so close to us and easy to get to. The kids were psyched as we stayed in a cabin near the lodge and they pretty much had all the freedom they wanted to explore and play. Leif, Mike and I took a couple rides, drank fun cocktails by the water and just enjoyed sitting still. ON Saturday my mom came up with a cake ???? ❤️, Abigail showed up with flowers and some friends from the Valley joined us to ride and relax. Even Leslie and Alex showed up! A huge wind storm blew over several trees near our lodging and we were grateful to be able to retreat inside. After a 12 hour sleep Saturday night, we drove to Galena, took a family ride and then headed home where Leif built me planter boxes! Perfect perfect weekend!

Moab getaway

With Covid-19, we had to cancel our trip to Mexico, which was such a bummer! My need to get on the road and out of town was starting to make me crazy. Then our friend Brent pushes us to come on a last minute trip to Moab. We waffled as it was an 8 hour drive but ultimately decided it was worth it. The sun, the pool, the scenery were all amazing. It felt like we got our Mexico trip back at a fraction of the cost! We mountain biked and were blown away by how good Liam and Skyler have gotten. Even little Presley built up her confidence and was doing super well by the end. Such beautiful views everywhere! Then on Mondays e went canyoneering with 70 ft descents that all three kids did. They were amazing! And Leif too...despite his fear of heights...managed to talk himself into it! Just being with the family, sitting by the pool, watching them smile and laugh was enough to make the trip worth it.

Fishin Penny Lake

We've loved having dad, uncle Mike and grandma around this weekend. Sunday funday was comprised of trampoline chaos and fishing on Penny Lake. Presley and Skyler both got their casting down and Liam, Skyler and dad all caught a fish. Presley was "bait girl". Grandma and I basked in the sun. ☀️