Christmas Day

Liam came racing down the stairs this morning asking “Is Santa here??” We looked at the cookies in front of the fireplace and they had been all eaten up! He opened his present from Santa – a piano! Just what he had asked for! Skyler spent her morning putting her new toys in and then pulling them out of her stocking. She too was asking about “Fanta.” She got a princess crown, earings and a necklace that she has been wearing ever since. She puts them on each morning and walks around like “so what – I’m a princess.” Ted and Stephanie were there with us enjoying the action and helping us to get out the door!
Off to the airport in plenty of time (too much time actually, as I had gotten the flight time wrong by a whole hour!). Once there, our flight was delayed time and time again and we finally left for Santa Rosa 4.5 hours late! I was starting to get so stressed out because I kept thinking “Leif is never going to travel with me again!” when I received a text message from Leif (he was giving Liam suitcase rides around the airport – they must have walked over 4 miles!) The text message said “remember that Christmas we were in the airport all day and it was a great Christmas anyway because we were together?” I couldn’t have asked for anything more. All my stress melted away and we just focused on playing with the kids. They were in heaven and could have cared less that we were stuck in the airport! They had mom and dad and a HUGE playground.
We finally got to Santa Rosa around 6 and everyone (Uncle Alan, Auntie Anita, Kayla, Jada, Chani, Aunt Chris and mom) had waited for us for dinner. So many smiles when we walked in the door and so much attention and excitement towards the kids made it all worth it. We had seafood soup and the kids went absolutely nuts on the clams. Uncle Alan (who I am convinced Liam thinks is one of the Wiggles) pulled out his guitar and both my kids stripped down to undies and diapers for a Christmas dance and singing party (what is it with our kids getting naked??). Since then, Uncle Alan has written a song for the kids titled “I want to get naked!”
We got to the hotel around 10 and Skyler fell right asleep. Liam was geeked out that he got to sleep in his own hotel bed right next to mom and dad. He kept popping his head up to look over at us.
Merry Christmas! It was a memorable one!