Family time

We had such a great day today proving that three kiddos does not have to slow us down. After church, we headed out to Woodinville to cut down our own Christmas tree. I have been asking for the last three years to have a real tree because that is one of my fondest childhood memories – cutting down our own tree. The kids grabbed their own saws and I strapped the baby into her Ergo and off we went in search of the perfect tree. Leif and Liam cut it down together and I caught it and put it back up so Skyler could take her cuts at it!  It really is the best tree we have ever had and we decorated with purple lights and silver flowers. I am not going to tell you it was an “easy” day. Creating these memories and dedicating full days to the kids is not a walk in the park. But we love to do it and felt so good about our day. I am so grateful I have a husband whose energy matches my own!  I couldn’t do this without him!