God lives where???

We have been talking a lot about God and heaven in the past couple weeks because of Boomer’s death. 🙁 I have to admit, it has been somewhat of a round a bout conversation with little Liam. I think 3 is a little young to fully comprehend death and God and heaven and all that goes with it. He asked me if Grandma walked Boomer to heaven. I said no and he was very confused on how Boomer got there. So, I told him that Jesus walked him to heaven. Now he keeps telling me that Jesus took Boomer for a walk and that is where Boomer is. Then yesterday Liam asked me where God lived. I tried to explain that God was “everywhere.” He nodded as though he fully comprehended what I was saying.

Then today he told me, in a very matter a fact manner, that God lives in “Everett.” Ha ha….
We will miss Boomer terribly. He was such a wonderful dog and his patience with and love of the kids would be hard to duplicate. We love you Boomer.