Halloween One, Two, Three and Four
Halloween Three: the kids got to dress in costume for church on Sunday. It is always a surprise to find out which costume Liam will choose (given that both kids spend the majority of their days in costume!). Skyler is a different story. You can almost count on her Aerial costume every time. Liam dressed in his red ninja costume this time!
Halloween Four: Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year. We had so many options for trick-or-treating this year but the kids wanted to stay on Goat Hill so we did. This time Liam wore his black spiderman costume because he knew that his buddy Blake (our next door neighbor) was going to wear his red spiderman costume. The boys were so cute and SO excited – running from door to door together. It was pouring rain for the first few minutes but then let up and we actually were able to enjoy a fairly mellow and humid night. Skyler made it until about 7:15 and then looked up at me and said “I just want to go to bed.” I carried her home and she went right to sleep. Leif took the boys all the way down to the mailboxes and back. So much candy came home that we decided to tell the the kids that they could exchange their candy for a toy from the Great Pumpkin. Both were okay with this but Skyler DID NOT want the Great Pumpkin coming into her room!