He’s all grown up!

Grandpa Ted called this morning saying he was stopping through and wanted to know if he could take Liam out to Herron Island for the rest of the week (4 days away from home). I asked Liam if he wanted to go making it clear that it would be 4 days and mommy and daddy were not going and he said “yes yes yes I can go, I want to go, I will be fine, I will listen to Stephie and Grandpa.” Then he ran upstairs and packed his own bag forgetting only his underwear and socks. He packed his tooth brush and asked “can you make sure Stephie brushes my teeth every night?”

And so he went – for 3 nights without us – and didn’t ask about us once! The pictures that Stephanie sent showed what a good time he was having – busy busy busy! According to Ted and Steph, he spent nearly all his time down on the beach pulling in and pushing out the boat, riding in the kayak, taking boat rides, having pajama parties, eating ice cream at neighboring islands, and basking in the attention of his grandparents! (I will add pictures as soon as I can get on Stephie’s computer to add them)

Back in Kirkland we had 3 days of peace and quiet as we recognized the ease of one child (and a girl at that). Skyler got to be the princess of the house!