July Madness!

From the last post to this one, we have been through a lot. We thought the worst of it was over when Liam went to the ER on Tuesday, but he ended up getting worse and after a couple more days of our active little boy being a lethargic, quiet and very sick child, we headed to Childrens Hospital Friday night. His temperature continued to climb and for 3 days he ran a fever between 103 and 105 degrees. Finally Sunday we had an answer: bacterial pneumonia. He was put on antibiotics and recovered within a few more days.
The rest of the month has been great! He is healthy and happy…loving daycare and hanging a lot with his buddies (Connor at school, Casper and the King boys).
He is changing every day and has become SO much fun to play with. We had such a blast the other night taking him to mexican food with the Larsens. He and Casper sat across from each other and made each other laugh the entire time. He loves to wrestle with his daddy and play peek-a-boo with mom.