Last Minute Leavenworth Trip

If I am being entirely honest, weekends are tough.  Typically, we are overburdened with laundry, cleaning and other necessary catch up from the previous week as well as the pressure to prepare for the week ahead.  There’s no easy answer.  We are both working and we have 3 young kiddos.  This is a season in life that is busy busy and sometimes the lack of structure on the weekends can be tough.  So, this weekend, we decided on Saturday morning to get out of dodge and head to Leavenworth.  Just an hour and a half away, and we stopped at a trailhead to have lunch and do a short waterfall filled hike.  30 minutes later, we were at our beat down hotel with the bubble wrapped pool.  It was nothing luxurious but it was so much fun just being together, walking through the town, watching the kids swim, and doing a little Christmas shopping.  Presley lost her mind (I think from lack of sleep) and, as Leif put it, there was a shocking resemblance between her and the beligerant drunk people that were in Leavenworth for Octoberfest.  On our way home, we stopped a the reptile zoo (gross!) and had a BBQ lunch in a school bus.  All in all, a totally successful trip that served the purpose of getting away and spending some family time together.