Liam’s 4 month appointment

Well…this round of shots did not go as smoothly as the last round. Apparently, Liam now not only feels pain but understands that he really doesn’t like it. His stats were great:

Head size: still in the 97th percentile
Height: 26.5 inches; 95%
Weight: 16 lbs, 12 oz; 50%

He loves his doctor…thinks his accent is very funny. Liam couldn’t get enough of him…the big show off. All smiles, rolling over, so proud of himself. And then that darn nurse poked him with the first shot and all the fun was over. He screamed like I have never heard him scream….FOR 40 MINUTES!!! For the first 10, I was laughing (“c’mon little buddy…toughen up!”). At 15 minutes I started to cry. By 20 minutes, the doctor was back in the room trying to figure out what was going on. And, by 30 minutes, I was starting to get scared. Finally, the little guy calmed down and went to sleep. He woke up cranky but by the next morning, was just fine. Back to his usual happy self! I really think I am more scarred by the experience than Liam is. I am making Leif take him to his 6 month appointment!